The Wolves Showcase Their Abilities

Yun Tian waited for his reply wondering if Yun Chen would give in right away or not.

Yun Chen thought for a moment and realized if what Yun Tian was saying was true, he would need the Elder's help, so he said, "What I did was for the best of the clan. I will do the same now. Elders let's eliminate this threat to the Yun clan."

Some of them were conflicted, but the Elders still followed Yun Chen.

At this, Yun Tian said to the wolves, "Bolin, you guys can handle the weaker four right? I will deal with the other two. Please try not to kill them."

He was planning on killing only his grandfather and leaving the rest of the Yun clan alone.

He also wanted to give the wolves easy fights since he didn't need the help and could take on the stronger two himself.

In response though, Bolin snorted and instead charged toward the mid dantian building Elder.

Seeing what happened Yun Tian smiled as he was actually happy that Bolin wanted to try and defeat a strong opponent.

The rest of the wolves targeted the other four Elders.

The area quickly separated into three separate zones. One was the four wolves against the four early dantian building Elders. Another was Bolin against the mid dantian building expert.

The final area was Yun Tian facing off against his grandfather, Yun Chen. Shen Yu was also right beside Yun Tian.

The wolves had separated the Elders from Yun Chen and left Yun Tian plenty of space.

It was Bolin who howled and told them to do this. He trusted Yun Tian's strength and gave him room to fight however he wanted.

Yun Tian and Yun Chen didn't start fighting immediately. Yun Chen waited for Yun Tian to make the first move. He wanted the Elders to finish off the wolves and then come help him.

Waiting was perfectly fine with him. His expression that lightened up when Yun Tian didn't attack immediately darkened once again though as he inspected the fights.

He had expected that the mid dantian building Elder would easily finish off Bolin. He could tell after all that Bolin and the rest of the wolves were still early stage demonic beasts. After finishing off Bolin, the mid dantian building expert would help finish off the other four wolves. Then they would fight Yun Tian together.

His plan had obviously failed as Bolin was instead holding his ground against the Elder. He leveraged his speed and kept darting around the Elder, avoiding every attack. He would even sometimes launch threatening attacks with his claws or fangs.

Each of Bolin's attacks had a lot of strength placed behind his sharp fangs or claws. The Elder was forced to dodge when he could and block the rest of the attacks as they were very threatening to him.

Their battle ended up in a stalemate with Bolin having a slight advantage. The Elder was using up more qi blocking attacks than Bolin who was purely dodging and attacking. Bolin had much better agility than the Elder and never stayed in one place.

Yun Chen's original plan went completely out of the window. Then, he looked to the other Elders hoping to see something good there. To his dismay, the situation was even worse for the four Elders.

The Elders worked together quite well as they were from the same clan and they tried to fend off the wolves together.

Their teamwork fell far behind the wolves though. They were used to hunting and fighting together as they had done it all their lives. They struggled to survive together out in the dangerous world of beasts.

The four Elders stuck together and blocked the wolves together. The four wolves circled around and attacked together. Unfortunately for the Elders, demonic beasts were stronger than dantian building Elders of the same realm and these wolves were even stronger than normal demonic beasts.

Yun Zan used his extreme speed gained through his use of the wind around him and quickly darted around attacking them.

Yun Qing's movements weren't as fast as Yun Zan's as she went around them, but the way she moved had much more agility. She easily dodged each attack and was able to slide past their attacks forcing them to block in the process.

Yun Jin was the most unique of all as he would dodge the attacks like normal until suddenly he charged straight on and was about to forcefully take on one attack to go after an Elder.

The Elders were stunned, they couldn't be happier the wolf was that dumb. Even Yun Tian watched on carefully, ready to save him if needed. He didn't interfere immediately as he knew the wolves weren't dumb and he must have had a reason for his actions.

The Elder's happiness turned out to be short lived though as the attack only pushed Yun Jin back a little bit. He immediately continued on afterwards with a slight mark on him.

In the end, he even managed to grab an Elder and pulled him away from the rest. The others tried to save him, but were quickly stopped by the rest of the wolves with Yun Zhi leading the charge this time.

His body had started to almost glow at this time as when the Elders tried to charge forward he released fire out of his mouth that the Elders quickly had to stop and block.

The Elders were forced to use a large amount of their qi to block the attack and they could not save the Elder who was captured.

Luckily, Yun Tian had told the wolves not to kill them. Otherwise, how could these Elders be able to put up so much of a resistance against the wolves. They were much stronger, but were instead being careful so they could slowly incapacitate them without getting hurt themselves.

Jin did just as Yun Tian had asked as after dragging the Elder away he brought him to Yun Tian. The Elder tried to struggle, but he couldn't make Jin loosen his fangs on his arm no matter what he did. His desperate struggles still carried some power, but they were nowhere near his full powered attack earlier, which Jin took on without getting hurt.