Fishing For Alligators

Yun Tian chased after the wolves and they continued to hunt for more prey. Their harvest after the last fight only became more bountiful.

Their speed at finding new prey kept increasing as they went further out and the wolves spread out to find more of them. Although, they did slow sometimes as Yun Tian would let the wolves fight a mid stage demonic beast every now and then.

Still, he was happy the entire time as he got more resources than he could ever find alone. He even managed to get a late stage demonic beast core from a lone late stage demonic bear he sneak attacked without much trouble. His full powered attack mixed with an extremely fast sneak attack gave it no almost no chance to react.

At one point, they found a large swampy area where the wolves tracked some demonic beasts to.

Inside, there were at least two mid stage alligators, three early stage ones, and even one late stage one. Besides that, there were many wild beast realm ones as well. This was what the wolves found out through the scents and tracks left in the area.

The alligators would have the advantage in the swamp since it would be hard to fight them in the water. So, when Bolin somehow figured out a way to describe the strength of the beasts in the swamp to Yun Tian, he told the wolves, "You guys circle around the swamp and don't let any beast escape. I've got this on my own."

Bolin nodded and the wolves spread out around the swamp to do as he asked. They would not be able to help much anymore against beasts at this level, especially in the water.

Still, Yun Tian didn't care that they wouldn't be helping in the fight. Instead, he smiled and thought, 'Having people, I mean wolves, to help sure makes things easier.'

He looked at the swamp in front of him and thought about how to go about this.

He knew that it was not a good idea to go into the swamp. It was large and he could tell the waters were quite deep. Besides that he saw many alligators here and there. While the ones he saw were only in the wild beast realm, their numbers along with their advantage in the water could pose a problem.

There were some areas with spots of land that poked above the water, but that was not enough for him to move about. Besides those few pieces of land there was nothing else poking out of the water to use to maneuver about on.

Eventually, he decided to try and lure the beasts to him instead. Out of the water he would have a much easier time even if there were many of them.

Thinking of this he stopped hiding and walked out of the trees. There was a large open space at one edge of the swamp and he wanted to fight there as there would be more room for maneuvering.

Once he was there he decided to just immediately announce his presence.

'A good fight can also help me improve faster.'

He took out the core of a mid stage demonic beast and held it in his hand. While he did have one from a late stage demonic beast, he did not want to scare them too much. He figured he might get the late stage one to come out for this core though, which is why he didn't use an early stage one.

He then yelled out, "Hey beasts, if you want this core, come and get it."

The alligators in the water heard him yelling and noticed the core in his hands.

When they saw it the alligators immediately felt the energy it contained and were tempted to rush him for it. In fact, the wild beast realm alligators did just that.

As for the demonic beast realm alligators they were smarter and realized Yun Tian was trying to lure them out of the waters. He wouldn't be bringing them a mid stage demonic beast core for no reason. They also could not estimate Yun Tian's strength at all which worried them.

When the first alligators came out of the water, Yun Tian retreated and just watched as around forty wild beast realm alligators came after him. He just went slightly faster than them and stayed out of reach.

Soon, he saw something else come out of the water though and smiled. One of the demonic alligators could not resist and a mid stage demonic alligator came crawling out of the water.

'It seems one took the bait. Too bad it's only one of the mid stage ones. I was hoping for all of them or at least the late stage one to come. One of the mid stage ones is still pretty good though.'

The alligator that came out of the swamp was very big. The wild beast realm alligators were only slightly larger than normal ones. The mid stage demonic beast realm alligator was much larger though. It was almost twice the wild realm one's size.

While alligators could be fast when attacking in short distances, they were known for their strong jaws and tail. And, you could tell this alligator surely was extremely strong with its great size.

'Even with my strength, I should be careful,' Yun Tian thought.

The demonic alligator was much faster than its wild beast realm counterparts. It pushed them aside as it chased after Yun Tian.

It quickly caught up as Yun Tian was not going that fast. He wanted it to catch up.

Once it got close, it attempted to lunge toward Yun Tian with its jaws wide open hoping to swallow him whole. He didn't waste this opportunity and dodged its attack by going around to its side. Then he dashed forward once more while trying to swing his sword and kill it.

Still, the alligator didn't underestimate him even though it had come out of the water after him. After he dodged its jaws, the alligator swung its tail to block Yun Tian's slash.

It tried its best to block, but Yun Tian had put his all in that attack. The only thing he didn't do was combine ferocity and killing intent in that strike.

Still, it proved to be enough as his sword ran right through its tail causing half of its large tail to fall on the ground with a thud. The alligator cried out and attempted to snap at him once more in a panic.