Preparing To Face A Peak Stage Demonic Beast

As Yun Tian was absorbing the energy from the core, he was happy to see it was much faster than before the breakthrough. At the same time he was upset, as it was nowhere near the same speed as during the breakthrough process. It also did not improve his cultivation as much as during the breakthrough, while also having less effect as it did before the breakthrough.

Yun Tian could only sigh and reaffirm his thoughts about building up resources before he broke through with his dantian. If he wanted to cultivate quickly and build himself a firm foundation, he had to put all he could into each of his breakthroughs.

They all woke up early in the morning and decided to cultivate for a few hours, before leaving.

Yun Tian went through six late stage demonic cores, but his demonic core was still a ways away from reaching half full.

As he counted the number of late stage demonic cores he couldn't help but think, 'It's a good thing I spent so much time hunting with the wolves.'

He had many late stage demonic cores from their hunts. So, as long as he continued to get a little more, he thought he should be fine and not run out.

After finishing his last demonic core and feeling for his new strength, he called out to the others, "How about we head out now? We can still take breaks and cultivate along the way. So, don't worry."

Yun Tian thought the wolves might be upset about having to follow him around and would rather cultivate or hunt. However, the wolves instead thought the opposite. For one, they really did like and care for the two of them now. Two, Yun Tian not only gave them nonstop resources, but also protected them and let them get experience fighting.

How could they be upset with anything. They would follow him to the ends of the world even and this was shown when the wolves immediately stopped cultivating and came over to him. Then, they returned to him any resource they had not finished with yet.

Shen Yu also came over and they got ready to head out. Though, there was nothing they really had to prepare.

So, Yun Tian just said to Shen Yu, "Well, get over here."

Shen Yu was not going to act embarrassed though and instead jumped into his arms saying: "Come on let's go!"

The wolves howled as if echoing her and Yun Tian laughed loudly. Then he turned and left towards the road still smiling.

In his arms, Shen Yu felt great comfort, but at the same time she felt amazed at his speed. Yun Tian was merely using the crane flight skill, but his strength had greatly increased recently.

In fact, he mentally face palmed as he realized he was leaving the wolves behind.

He slowed down and yelled to them: "Sorry, not used to it yet."

He had just broken through and needed to readjust. While he still wasn't using anywhere his full speed and could go even faster, he did not mind slowing down for the wolves at all.

The wolves though were once again ashamed for being weak and hungered to become stronger. Especially Bolin, he had tried to keep up, but even with his new breakthrough, he failed.

After this the group just continued onward down the road towards their goal. It only took a few hours before they soon reached the outer regions of town once again and Yun Tian could see in the distance the familiar gate that Wu Chen was guarding at.

At the same time though, he also spotted wolves still prowling around the town.

Even with this, he had no intention of sneaking around this time.

He already thought he should be able to take on a peak stage demonic beast before his latest breakthrough. Now, he was filled with absolute confidence.

So, he turned to Bolin and asked with a smile, "Want to try out your new strength?"

With a sharp gleam in its eyes, the wolf nodded at him and Yun Tian then started to discuss his 'plan'.

"I'll handle the late stages and peak stage demonic beast."

As he said that, he remembered that Shen Yu was still in his arms. While he could still hold her and fight, he wasn't absolutely sure he could protect her during the fight, as he didn't know exactly how strong his opponent would be.

He didn't need to say anything though, because when Shen Yu saw him turning to look at her, she just said, "Be safe, okay?"

Yun Tian nodded his head and said, "I will take you into town first. And then we will come get you after the fight is over."

He told the wolves to wait for him and then sneaked into town in a similar manner to when he left. This time though, he was going straight to the gate he entered last time.

As he was doing this, he noticed the concentration of strong wolves was higher here. While he didn't spot the peak stage specimen, he figured it should be somewhere near.

He continued onward and easily made it over the walls of town without alerting the wolves or the human cultivators watching the outside of town.

Once inside, Yun Tian saw some guards around the closed gate and even spotted someone familiar among them as he was standing on top of a roof.

He thought about it for a moment and didn't leave immediately. Instead he let Shen Yu down next to him and disappeared for a moment. When he returned Wu Chen was also on the roof with him.

The man was stunned, but seeing Yun Tian and Shen Yu in front of him he calmed down.

Still, he said, "Seeing it for myself sure is quite amazing."

While Wu Chen was a cultivator too, he wasn't even in the dantian building realm yet and was even weaker than even Shen Yu.

Yun Tian laughed and said, "Good to see you are doing fine."