
As the wolf sped quickly through the forest towards his position, Yun Tian thought, 'Good, I can take care of one of the stronger ones ahead of time.'

While Yun Tian was confident in the upcoming fight, he wouldn't underestimate his enemy and would lower the pack's strength if he could. Especially, as he didn't know the full strength of the pack of wolves.

He didn't get worked up though even as the wolf was running through the forest towards them. He even motioned for Bolin and the rest around him, who had started to get worked up, to calm down.

He didn't do anything else besides taking out a sword and waiting for the wolf to get closer.

Once it got close to them. He deployed Wolf's lightning and charged at it. His abrupt burst charge at it surprised the wolf. The wolf tried to defend, but he poured all his strength into his sword and delivered one of the strongest attacks he ever had before, filled with his killing intent and ferocity.

With his extreme speed and powerful attack he managed to cut its head clean off without it even being able to do anything in retaliation.

There was the initial boom of him launching towards the wolf and then the swishing sound of the blade with a little whimper accompanying it. Then there was only silence.

A late stage demonic beast wasn't able to do anything to him alone, even in a head on battle. Especially, when he wasn't holding back.

Bolin was taken aback at his power, but wasn't too surprised as he knew that Yun Tian's power would only grow after the breakthrough.

Yun Tian's head was instead filled with thoughts about the battle to come as he put away the body of the wolf in front of him.

He could wait for the rest to come on their own, but he didn't plan on doing that, even if it wouldn't take long for them to realize something was wrong. Instead, he turned to Bolin and smiled saying: "Try again."

He believed the rest of wolves, including the peak stage one, would have to come now.

Bolin and the rest howled once again as if mocking the pack of wolves.

The peak stage wolf wasn't dumb. Seeing that the late stage wolf had left and not come back, along with Bolin's group of wolves still being fine in their original position, it realized something happened to the late stage wolf. It didn't know what happened, but it was confident in its peak stage strength and irritated after waiting for so long outside the town. Now that something was challenging it, the wolf wanted to vent its frustrations.

It howled once more, but this time the rest of wolves in its pack echoed its howl. Almost four hundred wolves howling at the same time caused a great commotion even if most were in the wild beast realm.

Hearing these howls, Yun Tian realized he had miscalculated slightly. He could roughly gauge the wolves' various strengths from their howls, as they were trying to show off their strength. And he could tell there were over a dozen mid stage demonic wolves.

Bolin and the rest would not be able to handle them all.

Realizing this, he spoke aloud so Bolin and the rest hiding around him could hear, "Go farther out and focus on your own safety. Don't worry about me. Only try to take a few down if you think you can handle it."

The wolves were truly intimidated by the large number of strong wolves and did as he said. They stuck together and moved farther away from Yun Tian, but they stayed close enough so that they would be able to take out some wolves.

Yun Tian held his sword in his grasp and got ready for the battle. Wolves were streaming towards his position from all around town. He was in a decently sized clearing with trees all around it. He wanted to be far enough away from town while also minimizing the wolves ability to sneak attack him. Bolin and the rest could also hide in the trees around the clearing.

The wolves moved fast and gathered towards his position only to see a lone human standing in a clearing. They weren't able to tell his strength though and only gathered around encircling Yun Tian. The over three hundred wolves gathered around him in the clearing and amongst the trees around the clearing.

Right now, he only saw a single late stage, twenty mid stage, twenty five early stage demonic beast realm wolves. As for the peak stage wolf, he didn't see it and thought it must be among the wild beast realm wolves in the clearing or with them in the trees around somewhere.

Inwardly he thought, 'It is confident, but still cautious. It doesn't want to immediately expose itself.'

He was right as the peak stage wolf was hiding just outside the clearing looking at him. While staring at him, it felt that Yun Tian could endanger its life.

It didn't run away though and instead stayed. This is because its instincts at the moment were telling it two things. There was the threat of death. And that Yun Tian's body was precious and could greatly increase its strength if it eats him.

So, the wolf waited for an opportunity to attack.

As for Yun Tian, he calmed himself as hundreds of wolves were staring angrily at him and baring their fangs. He was not scared though, as he was already used to situations like this. His warrior intent stirred within him calming him even further.

His blood instead started to pump faster as he readied himself for the great battle to come.

He had fought the gorillas in a large brawl before, but now he was facing the wolves. They wouldn't rely on brute force and would instead use their speed and sharp fangs and claws to try and rip him apart.

He wasn't worried though, as his body had greatly grown and become even stronger. That, along with his qi barrier, meant it would be tough for their attacks to actually injure him.