
Yun Tian heard Ming Yu's question and wanted to reply, "To go kill those, who deserve to die."

However he didn't want to scare them by leaking any of his killing intent. So, he only said, "We still have things we need to do. You guys know about my strength now. So, you don't need to worry at all. We will probably come back eventually, but it might not be for a long time."

Wu Chen did not have a big reaction as he already knew they were leaving. Ming Yu however didn't and she immediately said, "Are you sure? You could just stay here."

Without any hesitation, Yun Tian said, "Not possible. Even if we wanted to, we couldn't."

Yun Tian didn't want to stay here for many reasons. The newest one however made it impossible to stay here, no matter what he wanted.

Chen Long. He had gotten away and Yun Tian was aware that he had powerful supporters. While he wasn't aware exactly how strong they were, he knew Chu Hong was afraid of them.

So, even if he wanted to stay here, he couldn't take the risk of staying here and waiting to be slaughtered by his enemies eventually. And this was only one of his reasons.

While Ming Yu didn't know what he was thinking, she saw the firm will in his eyes. That, along with their previous attempts made her realize that she couldn't change his mind.

"Fine. Take care of yourselves then. And you, Shen Yu, make sure he takes care of himself."

Shen Yu by Yun Tian's side agreed, saying very seriously, yet also with an expression of exasperation: "I always try my best to do exactly that."

Ming Yu laughed at her expression and Yun Tian smiled awkwardly yet inside he felt a little guilt thinking, 'I have to always push myself. I'm sorry that I make you worry.'

These thoughts quickly came and went as he didn't want to sour the mood.

Instead he said, "We will be fine. You guys need to take care of yourselves too though. And, take this."

With that he handed over a bag to Wu Chen, who didn't reject it and took a look inside. The bag obviously wasn't a spatial bag as Wu Chen wouldn't even be able to open it.

Wu Chen looked inside and his eyebrows shot up while he exclaimed, "That's a lot of money! Are you sure it's fine for us to take this?"

Yun Tian replied dismissively saying, "It's merely some money that has no use to me."

It was indeed as he said. He had no use for the money people who weren't cultivators used. Could he use that money to buy cultivation related things? No.

Wu Chen realized the words he said made sense and didn't try to return the money anymore. He knew that Yun Tian really didn't care about the money. He put the bag down and said, "Thank you. Again, be safe on your journey. I hope we will meet again before too long."

He really couldn't wait to see the future of Yun Tian and how strong he would grow. Wu Chen had seen Yun Tian's strong determination along with his great strength at such a young age. So, he knew that Yun Tian would reach great heights.

Yun Tian agreed, saying once more, "We will be fine. And, we will return. Thank you two for taking care of us while we were here. It meant a lot to us."

Afterwards he bowed his waist and Shen Yu did the same with a grateful expression on her face.

The couple was touched and immediately had the two of them stand upright once more.

After this, Yun Tian didn't want to stay and drag things out anymore. He preferred to leave on a high note. So, he took Shen Yu's hand in his own and said, "Goodbye."

Afterwards, he immediately turned around and walked away as the wolves followed them.

The couple watched them walk away until they were out of sight and then walked back into their home.

As they were walking, Yun Tian told her about what had happened after he dropped her off, including where they were headed now.

Like him, she was upset to hear that Chen Long had already left. But, only because she didn't want Yun Tian to have to fight the people behind him.

They talked as they walked through the paths, ignoring the gazes of the people around, until they reached the entrance to the spirit market. There, in front of the large building with a sign saying in bold letters, "Spirit Market", Chu Hong and Feng Bao were waiting with another person right beside them.

This person was an old man wearing grey robes. His hair was fully white with a long beard. Yun Tian was able to pick out his cultivation level at a glance, Late dantian building. Yun Tian was pretty sure that he was from Spirit Market.

Seeing this, Yun Tian once again confirmed his guess that the Spirit Market organization was actually quite powerful and mysterious. There was also the young woman who gave him the spatial bag before.

So, in front of this old man he didn't put on any airs and walked over with light steps. He stopped in front of them and saluted with his fist, the way cultivators normally would. He then proceeded to say: "Greetings Senior, my name is Yun Tian. May I ask if you are from the Spirit Market."

At this, everyone there was surprised. They wondered why Yun Tian was being so respectful. Although they didn't know why, the old man looked at the two next to him. His gaze seemed to be saying, "And you said this youth was arrogant and unbridled."

He wasn't slow in his response though as he had heard of Yun Tian's strength and immediately returned the salute saying: "Greetings to you as well. My name is Wu Bai and yes, I am from the Spirit Market. In fact, I am in charge of the spirit market here in town. The two clan leaders have told me that you are looking for High grade qi gathering pills. Is that true?"

"Senior Bai, I am looking for them. In fact I want as many as I can find. Would you have any that you wouldn't mind giving me. I of course wouldn't take them for nothing."