Being Friendly

The man laughed happily at his words and said, "Great! Since that is the case, I will introduce myself before anything else. My name is Jin Hui. May I ask what small matter you have so that I can provide some assistance."

Yun Tian returned the gesture of good will saying, "Fellow Hui I am happy to meet such a friendly man like you. My name is Yun Tian and these guys are my family. We are here to look for any high grade qi gathering pills you might have in town."

Jin Hui was happy just as Yun Tian was to see that the other party was friendly, but he was surprised by both of his last two statements. Both wolves being his family and that he wanted high grade qi gathering pills were shocking things.

Still, he didn't let his surprise stop him from saying: "If you want high grade qi gathering pills…"

He was going to say more, but many people started to show up at this moment. Their robes fluttered in the wind as many experts of varying cultivation levels showed up.

When he saw those appearing, Yun Tian's eyes gleamed. More and more groups of people started appearing. And their cultivation levels excited him. There were actually six late stage dantian building experts among them.

One thing made him a little curious though. It was obvious that the stronger experts should arrive first since they were rushing here and the weakest would arrive last. However that was not the case this time.

He thought everyone had arrived when a little after everyone else, a fifth group arrived. In the lead were two late stage dantian building experts, who looked similar in appearance, with others behind them. Their group clearly had not rushed at all and arrived after everyone else.

He didn't really care that much though about this. He was too excited after all. The presence of six late stage dantian building experts along with Jin Hu in front of him birthed hope that the alchemist in town had decent skills and was the reason for more experts appearing. This meant there was a high chance he could get many high grade qi gathering pills in this town.

As the desire to immediately find out how many they had rose within him, Jin Hui addressed those arriving. As the only peak dantian building expert in town, he was naturally in charge during events like these.

"Everyone can calm down. Our young friend here has only come to look for high grade qi gathering pills. Their group is not here to do any harm to our town. Right?"

He finished his sentence by looking at Yun Tian and was startled by the look of excitement on his face.

Yun Tian realized his mistake of letting his excitement leak and immediately held it in again as he regained his calm. Then he said, "It is exciting to see so many strong experts gather here for me. And yes I mean no harm. If any of you have high grade qi gathering pills I will give you a good price for them."

Those around became skeptical of the situation after the words the two of them spoke. A young man who didn't even look to be twenty yet was looking for high grade qi gathering pills? And there were wolves with him?

They all had many questions, especially about how the peak stage expert was being so polite to him.

Still, none of them said anything. Both because none of them wanted to give up high grade qi gathering pills even if they had them and they were letting Jin Hui take charge of the situation. So, they didn't need to say anything.

As they expected Jin Hui stepped in saying, "My friend none of them have any pills to trade with you. Why don't we head to the Spirit Market."

Yun Tian nodded his head and said, "Sure. Also, I don't mind if they all follow."

He didn't want to make the situation awkward so he just said this in advance, just in case.

Jin Hui was surprised by his candidness and ability to almost know what he was thinking. What he didn't know was that Yun Tian had already gone through two similar situations. He was used to it.

Jin Hui praised him inwardly, but only laughed and said, "Let's get going then," before turning and leading the way.

Yun Tian held Shen Yu close by his side as they, along with the wolves, walked behind Jin Hui. At the same time the experts of the town in front of them parted to let them through and then followed along.

Up ahead, Jin Hui was whispering something to an expert among those wearing the same robes as him. Afterwards that man sped ahead of the group into the town.

At the same time, Jin Hui felt Yun Tian's eyes on him and turned to say: "I was only telling my man to go ahead and prepare a welcoming for you."

Yun Tian however only smiled and said, "I see."

Although Jin Hui had whispered and tried to make sure Yun Tian couldn't hear, Yun Tian's already strong senses had grown even stronger as he progressed with his demonic core and strengthened his body.

He heard everything and it went something along the lines of "Go have Xue Cao prepare for us. Tell him I said to make sure he is respectful and gives a good price."

Yun Tian was happy to see that he probably wouldn't have to go through any trouble this time. Although, he was also a little upset that he would be forced to pay.

They went through the gates of the town and through the paths eventually arriving at the building already very familiar to him, the Spirit Market. All the Spirit Markets he had been to looked very similar. Reinforcing even more his ideas of their capabilities.

Like usual there was a man waiting in front of the building for their group. He came up to them and immediately saluted saying respectfully: "My name is Xue Cao. I assume you must be the young friend I heard was looking for high grade qi gathering pills."