Not Taken Seriously

After his group left, Jin Hui immediately went to the residence of the clan that left early so that he could berate them for possibly upsetting the mysterious guest they just had. Unfortunately, upon his arrival and following search of the clan's area, he was only confused to find out that the green robed experts previously at the gathering were not there. In fact, none of the clan's dantian building experts were there. Not even the two he knew of that stayed in the clan during the emergency gathering.

He was confused and wanted to find where they were. Immediately, he left and went to his own clan. He had them search the town for the whereabouts of the green robed experts as he felt a sense of unrest grow within him.

As he thought about where they might be and what had happened not long ago with Yun Tian, a faint suspicion grew within him. When another expert reported to him not long after that they were nowhere to be seen in the whole town, he couldn't sit still any longer and rushed out of town down the same path Yun Tian went on.

Even though his clansmen were completely bewildered by his actions, he only yelled, "Don't follow me," and then rushed with his fastest speed. If his guess was right, then it was best that his clansmen stayed here, out of harm's way. If he was wrong then so be it, nothing bad would happen. But he had to check just in case.

In fact, his worries were not unfounded as just at this moment, Yun Tian's group was encountering something.

They had travelled a decent distance from the town when they saw a group of people clad in green robes up ahead.

He didn't put Shen Yu down as the safest spot for her was in his arms. Their group just continued towards the green robed men, while a smirk grew on Yun Tian's face. The wolves around him also became excited for battle as they realized what was going on.

They only stopped when they were around fifty feet from the green robed experts.

When the experts saw their group they were a little surprised by the speed at which they arrived here. They were prepared to wait for a while longer, but it turned out their patience was unnecessary.

As for the time it took Yun Tian's group to get here. It was faster than the time it would take normal mid stage demonic beasts to get here, but they didn't appear to put too much emphasis on it as one of the late stage dantian building experts at the front yelled, "You sure are rushing right to your deaths quite fast huh."

They were not planning on letting him go after all. They just wanted to kill him and take his things. As for the fast speed they all just assumed Yun Tian and the wolves were giving their very all to get away from the town as fast as possible since they were scared of the experts there.

Yun Tian however ignored his words and only said to the wolves "You guys want to try out those two and I will take care of the rest?"

Frankly it would be easy for him to take care of the two late dantian building experts, but he wanted to give the wolves a chance to fight. It seemed his efforts were appreciated as the wolves stepped forward full of desire to battle.

The two late stage experts were angry at him ignoring them, but they didn't let it affect their judgement as one of them said to the six mid and four early stage dantian building experts behind him, "We will handle the wolves. Take care of those two quickly and support us afterwards."

He wasn't going to underestimate the wolves and wanted their support. As for Yun Tian, they guessed he was at best an above average mid stage dantian building expert, which is why they sent all their men after him. With so man they assumed he would die quickly without any problems arising.

Yun Tian saw this happening and decided to make it easier for them, in case they were scared of the wolves.

He walked away from the wolves and put some distance from them. The green robed experts saw this and finally some of them started to become wary. They knew that Yun Tian was at least a mid dantian building expert and now he was showing that he was fine with fighting without the wolves' help.

Still, they just wrote it off as him being overconfident. The men behind the two late stage dantian building experts separated from them and moved toward Yun Tian, who was holding Shen Yu. They pulled out their weapons, but even now, Yun Tian didn't show any form of vigilance or battle readiness. He just stood there casually as he held Shen Yu.

He didn't take these guys seriously at all. In fact most of his attention was on the wolves and the two experts currently staring them down. From their features he felt the two should be brothers. From this note, he felt they might be quite good at fighting together. He felt if they were, they could give the wolves a good challenge.

As for the experts coming towards him with their weapons drawn, they also paid great attention to the wolves. They were still worried one of them might try to interfere with their battle.

As for the two late stage experts, they stood close together and appeared to have no intention of separating as they held the mid spirit grade swords they had just taken out of their spatial bags.

Yun Tian grew a little cautious when he saw them. With those swords and their prowess they might be able to do some serious harm to the wolves.

As for the wolves themselves, even after they saw the swords in their opponents hands they saw no reason to wait any longer and were the first to start the battle. Bolin barked some commands and the rest followed after him.