Almost Dead But Even Deadlier

The three wolves confirmed he was dead and then immediately left to help Bolin and Zhi. Those two were trading attacks nonstop with the other expert to distract him, giving him no time to worry about his brother.

While it was only Bolin and Zhi facing the expert, the two of them had the highest attack power out of the wolves. So, the man had to put his full attention on them.

Off to the side, Yun Tian and Shen Yu watched on in awe as the wolves quickly finished one opponent and then went to regroup to finish the other.

As he was watching this he thought, 'I would say that each of the wolves and their two opponents' individual strengths are about on par, with the wolves maybe being slightly weaker, except for Bolin. Still, I thought they would win with the number advantage, but not this quickly.'

Their great teamwork and tactics left him greatly amazed. No one was injured and they quickly divided the fight, turning it from a two on five into a three on one and a two on one. Instantly cutting off any way for the two experts to fight together and obviously a three on one would be easier to end than a two on five. With that, after they took out one they could focus on the other.

Besides that, they were also able to make great plans on which wolf did what based on their abilities and use those abilities to their greatest advantage.

'Now though, the situation probably won't be too exciting,' Yun Tian thought.

The wolves quickly joined together circling and launching attack after attack on the last expert. When he noticed them joining in the expert instinctively averted his attention to where his brother should be and saw his lifeless corpse.

Looking for a ray of hope he looked away once more to see Yun Tian and Shen Yu standing in front of a group of bodies with their heads cut off. Yun Tian had already killed each one of their subordinates.

They had charged at Yun Tian, who was holding Shen Yu, when the wolves started to encircle their leaders. Each of them threw attack after attack at him, but he easily dodged them all.

Amid the group of several strong experts, he dodged and weaved with extreme ease as he switched between his movement techniques. Then, he pulled out his sword and started to decapitate them one by one without letting any of them go. They barely had time to grasp the situation they were in as he showed no mercy and ended the battle almost as quickly as it started.

After seeing the aftermath of dead bodies and heads strewn about, the man became even more terrified. He realized that he would probably die here. Even if he could somehow deal with the wolves, it seemed Yun Tian was also very strong, as even a late stage dantian expert such as himself would have great difficulty darling with six mid and four early stage dantian building experts. At least he wouldn't be able to deal with them in such a short time.

He tried as hard as he could to think of a solution, but the wolves were already about to attack him together and end his life. He was about to give in to his fear and give up. Suddenly though as he thought about the situation, his fear was suppressed by another feeling. Rage. Rage bubbled inside him. He was enraged at his brother's death and the thought that he too would soon die. He was enraged by their tragic fate.

Abruptly, a thought was born in his head as a vicious smile made its way onto his face.

The wolves' attacks came at him from all around, all at the same time, leaving him no room to block or dodge them. But he wasn't planning to. Instead, he advanced towards Zhi while thrusting his sword forward.

He wanted to die together with one of them at least. And he judged that while Zhi had high attack capabilities he had the lowest defensive abilities out of the group. He wanted to sacrifice one of his arms first to block Zhi's attack and then kill the wolf before dying to the others.

To his surprise though, as soon as Zhi saw him move towards him, he didn't even attempt to continue attacking and just pulled back immediately.

With that, the man's face burned full of anger and confusion as he screamed, "Why!"

His scream was abruptly cut short though as he was ripped into by the other wolves and died in extreme agony with his throat being ripped apart.

He died without any resistance to the other wolves' attacks as he had put his full focus on bringing Zhi down with him.

What he didn't think about with his plan though was that the wolves were animals and were used to hunting. They knew that the moment an animal was at its most dangerous was when it was backed into a corner or was about to die. So although they didn't know the man's plan and were not sure of what he was doing, they were cautious.

Off to the side, Yun Tian also nodded his head at their actions. He had suddenly gotten a dangerous feeling when he saw the man smile and was about to move in to help, but Zhi pulled back on his own. Leaving him no need to act.

He yelled out, "Good job. Nice instincts there at the end, Zhi."

Shen Yu also cheered saying, "Wow! You guys are so awesome and smart!"

She truly was astounded by their hunting tactics. While she had done some hunting herself, she was nowhere near as skilled as them.

The wolves howled into the air proudly to celebrate their victory. Afterwards, Bolin came over to Yun Tian and gestured awkwardly towards the two dead experts.

While it may be hard for others to understand, Yun Tian had already spent a lot of time with the wolves and understood what he was trying to say.