Displaying Wealth

After hearing Gu Jie, the many experts gathered here felt disbelief. None of them knew they were dealing with a bigshot a second ago. The experts were alarmed and realized why the two of them were being so cordial to their guests.

After finding out that some random visitor to their town not only wanted high grade qi gathering pills in exchange for late stage cores, but also travelled with demonic beasts anyone would be stunned. This was especially true for those besides Mu Wen and Gu Jie.

Yun Tian had already noticed that only peak dantian building experts were able to barely sense his strength if he didn't deliberately show them. Even late stage experts couldn't tell. This was proven by the two brothers the wolves killed previously.

Why was this the case? He wasn't sure and figured it probably had something to do with being in the peak dantian building realm. He already had great senses and could vaguely feel his opponents strength, but he couldn't estimate others abilities based on his own. After all, his case was too different from others.

He put this aside for the moment though as he waited to see whether any of the shocked people would bring out any pills to exchange with him.

He was bound to be disappointed though. The experts finished calming down and even though a seemingly powerful visitor had come willing to trade valuable items, no one said anything.

Yun Tian expected this though. So, it didn't affect him much. He knew everyone would probably use high grade qi gathering pills as quickly as possible to increase their strength if they got them. Even if they didn't or couldn't use them they wouldn't trade them away unless it was for massive profit. Another aspect to consider was their safety after revealing their treasures.

For example, Yun Tian wouldn't think about trading at all if he didn't have enough strength. This was also proven by the two experts from the last town. He only came out unharmed because he was strong enough to defend his treasures against those who wanted them after he announced he had them.

Neither Gu Jie nor Mu Wen were surprised either. Rather, they would have been surprised if someone did try to trade with him.

So, Gu Jie swiftly took the lead asking: "Alright, since this is the case, shall we head on over to the Spirit Market?"

Yun Tian nodded his head saying: "Sure."

With that, Gu Jie turned and Mu Wen walked alongside him as they made their way into the town. Yun Tian and the wolves followed closely behind and the other experts of the town also followed behind them.

They didn't think Gu Jie and Mu Wen would need their help if Yun Tian tried something, but still went just to see what would happen.

They walked along and it seemed Gu Jie thought like the guard before as he said, "It's my first time seeing a beast tamer in person."

Mu Wen to his side listened closely to their conversation, but so did all the other experts.

So, they were surprised just like Gu Jie when Yun Tian said, "I am not a beast tamer."

"Oh, then might I inquire about your relationship with these wolves?" Gu Jie asked.

He wanted to be polite, but his curiosity got the better of him. Although he knew he shouldn't pry into other's secrets or personal life, he still asked. Though, he tried to be as polite as possible in his question.

Yun Tian only replied, "They are with me."

He didn't feel like explaining anything more than saying that. He didn't feel the need to be polite when the other party wasn't.

Gu Jie raised an eyebrow, but he could tell he didn't want to say anymore than that. So, he didn't ask anymore.

Instead it was Mu Wen, who asked the next question.

"How many pills are you looking for exactly?"

Again he only had one short reply, "As many as there are."

Although his reply was short, the domineering feeling it gave off made Shen Yu once more praise his coolness. While the others around felt he was slightly arrogant and overbearing.

Some of them scoffed, but said nothing.

Gu Jie and Mu Wen also were doubtful. They saw the core earlier, but had no idea how many he actually had. Still when they thought about the dangerous feeling he gave off and the wolves around him, they couldn't help but wonder if he might have many late stage cores. After all, the wolves would help greatly, out in the wild.

Besides all of that, Mu Wen was upset once more since he only gave her a short and curt reply.

They continued walking and quickly reached the Spirit Market here in town. Seeing the familiar building and sign along with a man standing in front of it, Yun Tian was excited. He had already attributed this sight to him getting valuable items he needed.

Yun Tian was especially excited as he inspected the man. The man was a late stage dantian building expert and Yun Tian felt the man's strength was close to peak dantian building. He felt the man was stronger than all of the other late stage dantian building experts here in town. This brought some more hope to his expectations.

The man was waiting in front of the building as he had already received a report from someone that went ahead that a visitor new to town had arrived and was going to come to buy pills from him.

Mu Wen was the first to speak when they got close as she said, "Fellow Gong, this fellow called Yun Tian wants to buy all the high grade qi gathering pills you have with some late stage demonic cores."

She said this deliberately trying to embarrass Yun Tian if he didn't have enough cores.

As for Yun Tian, he let Shen Yu down and had her stand right next to him, before speaking. He didn't deny her words, only adding, "As long as the price is reasonable of course."

Gong was suspicious of his ability to actually buy the pills but he still took out several bottles and said without showing any of his doubt, "I have thirty high grade qi gathering pills here. How about seven late stage cores for them all?"

At this everyone around almost started salivating. Still none of them would try to rob Gong. Even Gu Jie and Mu Wen.