Scary But Good?

After the young woman came out of the carriage, she experienced the full brunt of the pressure Yun Tian was exuding. Yun Tian watched on as she rapidly paled along with goosebumps forming all over her skin while her steady bearing she first had faltered.

He had expected this or even worse in fact, but what he didn't expect was for her to quickly regain her calm as she straightened her back while her skin regained some of its color. He inwardly praised her strong will as he knew just how strong the pressure he was releasing right now was.

After all, even the old men in front of him could barely withstand it and they were much stronger than the woman. They were also much older and had experienced much more along with having more time to temper themselves, yet the young woman seemed able to handle his pressure much better than them.

After regaining herself, she came forward before bowing and presenting her hands forward holding a green pill as she said with a tone filled with respect as if she was trying to assuage his anger, "Please forgive them. Here is a high grade rejuvenation pill."

As he saw the pill, Yun Tian's eyes blazed. It appeared to be the exact same pill that he gave to Bolin before.

He moved with speed so great that the people in front of him only saw him blur for a short moment as if he never left his original position in front of them, but the pill was now missing from the girl's hands and instead being put into Bolin's mouth.

They all watched on with curiosity and fear as Yun Tian once again started to help the wolf assimilate the pill's effects. His qi went into the wolf's body helping the pill's effects dissolve throughout Bolin's body helping to stabilize his body. The pill helped, but he felt it still wasn't enough as the wolf's body was still deteriorating once the pill's effects ran out. It still wasn't enough.

Withdrawing his killing intent towards them, he turned once more towards them and quickly threw out five late stage demonic cores saying: "Thank you! Do you have any more healing items!? I will reward you further!"

His words were filled with gratitude but they also made the group opposite feel as if he would know if they were lying.

The woman clumsily caught the cores in shock before she shook her head no in a daze.

Yun Tian didn't believe they would lie since he already showed he would greatly reward them. So, he immediately picked up Bolin and yelled, "Then you have my, Yun Tian's, gratitude!" before once again taking off down the path.

He left behind the stunned group staring at his quickly disappearing figure and newly created trail of destruction on the path. One of the old men closed his open hanging mouth and asked, "Miss, what did we just witness?"

They were stunned as they assumed that the wolf was dead when they just saw it, but it appeared that the young man was carrying the wolf to try and find items to heal it. It wasn't dead, just extremely close to death.

The young man was also extremely strong and rewarded them greatly for their pill. He didn't appear intent on stealing. Instead, it seemed more like he was asking for something with great impatience before compensating them afterward for the troubles he caused.

The woman weakly said, "I am not sure."

The next moment a trembling beast walked out of the carriage. It was trembling greatly, so much so that it seemed like a meek mouse scared of everything, but even then anyone would be able to tell this tiger was anything but ordinary. It was in fact a late stage demonic beast with some special characteristics that made it so even these old men, even when working together, would find it almost impossible to defeat it.

Now, as they saw this mighty beat trembling in fear they did not know what to say.

The young woman said, "That is why I immediately came out to give him whatever he wanted. Hu was extremely scared as soon as he arrived."

As they thought about the tiger's strength and the young man who just left they shivered.

The woman continued, "Also, it appears we no longer have to continue our journey. It appears he is the one we were looking for. He is just much stronger than we thought, but it seems he is at least a good person. It is good we came out here."

She smiled at the end thinking in joy about their discovery.

As the old men thought about her words they were stunned, but realized she was probably right. As for the comment about him being a good person...

He did compensate them, but when they thought about his terrifying aura filled with killing intent and ferocity they could only think of him as a malevolent killer. Especially his eyes. When they looked into his eyes, they saw deep black with tinges of red that seemed able to swallow them whole.

Still, he didn't hurt any of them and grossly overpaid them for something so they couldn't bring themselves to think of him as a bad person. They weren't stupid and they could tell he was greatly anxious about healing the beast in his arms which might be the reason why he acted like he did.

The woman also realized this as well which is why she thought he was a good person. She also greatly cared for her tiger Hu after all.

After following after him with her gaze for a while and seeing the flashes of lightning and booming sounds disappear into the distance, she said, "Alright let's follow after him then."

With that the old men nodded and calmed the trembling horses before they all got ready to travel again. They left the area, but they were no longer going in the same direction. Instead, they went back in the direction they came from, Zhenmen town, where Yun Tian was headed to.