Relieved and Indebted

Bolin calmed down once more after seeing Yun Tian, but he was still vigilant as he had no idea where they were nor who the strong people around them were.

Yun Tian also knew this so he filled him in, "Don't worry about anything. We're all good. I had to come here to get some stuff to heal you."

He came closer and pet the wolf while saying: "I already dealt with the bear."

Bolin's emotions flared as he thought about the bear, but he quickly calmed back down knowing that the bear was dead. His anger was then turned into regret and feeling of weakness as the wolf thought, 'Just like last time, I wasn't able to do anything.'

Yun Tian caught Bolin's feelings of weakness and kept on petting him as he said, "Because of you, everyone is fine. You were the only one injured badly."

Then he said, "Alright, go back to sleep now though. You still need to rest and heal some more."

As Yun Tian said that, Bolin vigilantly looked at those around.

Yun Tian understood the wolf's worries. So, in order to calm the wolf down, he said, "Don't worry about anything. I was already strong enough before. I have only grown stronger now and not only by a little. You didn't protect me for no reason, remember?"

He confidently said this with a smile as the wolf looked at him.

Bolin hesitated for a moment, still wary of those around even after Yun Tian's words, but then the wolf felt great exhaustion take over its thoughts. He truly was extremely tired after everything.

Bolin struggled for a second longer but as he looked into Yun Tian's eyes filled with confidence and care he stopped resisting the feelings of exhaustion. Yun Tian was here for him; he would handle the rest.

With the last of his energy Bolin nodded at Yun Tian, before laying down and closing his eyes once again. He would continue to rest and heal, trusting Yun Tian to deal with the rest.

Yun Tian smiled as he felt the wolf's trust in him, while he became slightly emotional as he thought about what the wolves did for him. They were injured so badly willingly putting their lives on the line to defend him. Bolin would have truly died had he not gotten these pills.

He celebrated inwardly, 'Everything's fine now. Bolin's fine now and he seems even stronger too.'

He relished in his happiness for a few seconds as he just stared at the sleeping wolf. No one disturbed him either as they were all preoccupied with their own thoughts and didn't want to get on his bad side.

His happy thoughts quickly left his mind though as he became serious and made a vow inwardly, 'Just healing Bolin is not enough for what they did. I must do something grand to show them how thankful I am. But what can I do? I already give them all the cultivation resources they need. Hmm, there has to be some other kind of treasure I can get for them. I will find something in the future. Besides this I will find whatever else they like and try to entertain them.'

He ended his thoughts with this, 'Above all though, we are truly family closer than anyone else in this world. I have saved them before, but they have already shown they are willing to put their lives on the line to save me, while I didn't put anything on the line before when I saved them. In a way they have shown greater care than me.'

With that he stopped thinking about it for now and turned to look at Luo Tai saying: "I'm sorry about his actions. I'm sure you can tell by his previous injuries that he went through something quite traumatic."

At the same time, he looked around and saw the shocked, curious, and somewhat fearful expressions of everyone around, especially Elder Li. As Bolin's target he vividly felt the wolf's billowing anger and strength causing cold sweat to break out all over him.

Ignoring the rest, Luo Tai was the first to speak. Waving off the matter, he said, "It's fine. Nothing happened anyway with you intervening in time."

He was just as curious about Yun Tian's relationship with the wolf as everyone else around. It seemed they cared for each other and that there was no technique being used to control the wolf. Everyone was mainly thinking about this, however he was the only one who paid more attention to what Yun Tian had said to Bolin.

He wondered what Yun Tian meant about Bolin protecting him and what had injured the strong wolf. He also wondered about the others he mentioned. He also paid special attention to the words strong enough before and only stronger now.

Luo Tai thought in disbelief, 'Is this kid confident in being able to protect himself and the wolf from all of us?'

Still, he didn't ask any questions as he didn't think it was proper to pry so much, especially since he wanted to befriend Yun Tian.

Afterwards, Luo Tai said, "Would you like to do some more business or even come have a chat with me? I would be delighted to talk some more with you."

Yun Tian however shook his head and said, "No, I am afraid I cannot stay. I left in quite a rush as I am sure you could tell by how I acted when I got here. I need to head back now."

His words quickly made Luo Tai upset that he would have wasted his effort and that he wouldn't be able to befriend Yun Tian. He thought that Yun Tian would be leaving and would not come back. If that happened then he would have made a huge mistake and this realization hit him hard.

His mood turned downcast, but he only cursed his bad luck. He had no bad thoughts against Yun Tian or thoughts of asking for the pills back, especially with the danger he felt from him and the strength the wolf just showed.

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