Chapter 267-A Battle To The Dinner!

"So you knew....."

"Yeah, it's one of the things master wished she could change"

When I said master Carmel's or more appropriate to say Carmelia's eyes softened a bit, the one I am speaking to right now isn't Carmel it's her other personality, Carmelia, one born from a trauma of the past and her bloodline, her beauty during the night doubles due to the light of the night, kind of reminds me of a guy that had different personalities and fought in the night with two moon disks.

Anyhow this personality is completely different from Carmel's, this one is ruthless, cold, and unforgiving, most of the time she deals with issues that Carmel deams too bloody for her, you can't rule over as an Empress with a bubbly personality, that only leads to a weakened Empire.