Chapter 578-One Down More To Go?

Taking my eyes off the little Krisly, who looks like a well-built muscle-filled doll, my eyes trailed the rest of the group. There were two boys. One, a demon werewolf, with presence commanding and strong, along with a heavy grin on his face, his name being Helix. The other one was a whale member of the sea, with blue hair and green eyes, looking like the perfect pasty handsome guy, his name being Tron.

A very arrogant smirk on his face as he looked at me. The man in question is very handsome, but he is still below me in looks. The guy before me was a classic player, belonging to the member of Sefak. The guy has seduced a lot of girls since coming here and is now aiming for both Elda and Marlene and just for that reason, I shall be beating up this guy a bit more than necessary.