Chapter 626-Best Place To Hold Seeds

I relaxed myself, sitting within this nature surrounded by all this beauty and beasts. It's not always good to keep running around, gotta take some rest in between, and what better way to do that than to spend some time with animals, ones that do not have any sort of exterior motive when they are with you?

Though even when I am doing this, an external motive of getting some attention is furthering my cause still exists, something which I am fine with. Because, as I always imagine, when all this is done, a very relaxing and beautiful future awaits me.


The lion-like beast, the size of a bear, purred as it kept rubbing its mane lovingly against me, the rest of the beasts looking at me with envy as they too desire to just be petted by me. The only ones not backing off are the huge bear and tiger-looking monsters, they keep giving me the puppy eyes to get some love.

'This is fun.....'