

I sit next to my mother is still lying in a bed unable to talk. I know that Kim said that I am her only lifeline but I do not really know what to tell her. Her eyes are open and fixated on me like she wants me to say something.

Then I take a deep breath and say.

"Mom, I can not pretend that these couple of years did not happen between us. I do not know who you are and I know that you do not know who I am. I know that you want me to say something nice to you like, I love you but I do not know you. But what I can tell you is that I would like to get to know you and I want to learn to love you"

It is almost as if I can see her eyes sadden. Like what I am saying is hurting her on some level. But I must be true to myself and I do not want to tell her any lies.

"So, what I am trying to say is, please, come back to life so that I can talk to you and get to know you"