Medical History


I give Nick one last kiss and then make my way to the nurse's station while I watch him go back into the room. I am not very sure where I should start as I do not know this town very well. But I have grown up in a small town myself so, I know that everyone should be connected.

I walk to the first nurse that I can find and then ask her.

"Hi. I am Dr. Kim McPherson and I am looking for a medical history of my patient in room 547 and the patient can not tell me who her treating doctor is. I am completely lost as I do not know this town. Is there any way that you can help me?"

When I started speaking to her she looked like I was scolding her for some reason but when she heard what I wanted to know something, her face changed and I can not believe the assistance that I got.

"Well, you have come to the right nurse. I know everyone who knows everyone in this town. You are treating Mrs. Roberts right?"