

I stand in front of the Admirals door with my hand on the door handle. I am about to walk into this office and tell him that I quit the Navy Seals. It feels like I am going to betray him in some way. But when Kim gives me a kiss on my cheek and tells me that I mean the world to her, I know I can face the Admiral.

So, I open the door and we walk through the door hand in hand but the moment that I see the Admiral I let go of her hand and stand at attention saluting the Admiral.

"Sir, Admiral sir!"

I watch as the Admiral turns around at our arrival and then he comes walking up to me. I am still standing in a saluting position when he comes over to give me a hug. I do not really know how to react to this hug but then I slowly put my arms around him. Then he says.

"I'm so glad that you are back. I thought that we have lost you out there"