

I look at the woman that I am about to marry sitting next to me on the bed. I can see how sincere she is in what she's saying but the evidence is so overwhelming. I have been in this situation before and I did not even know that they were cheating on me.

Of course, in my mind, I can not compare Helena or Kelly with Kim but Helena was pregnant with the man that she cheated on me with. I was so blind and did not see what was going on around me and I wonder if I have walked into the same trap. But there is this overwhelming feeling that there is just no way that she would do this to me.

We have been through so many things and our bond has never been stronger. We have literally been through thick and thin. We have been through dramas that are unimaginable to the normal couple. We have saved each other over and over again. I can not imagine that she would cheat on me like that.