Broken Heart


As my mom opens the door I see my dad standing there. There are tears in his eyes and then I can see struggles to speak.

"My baby girl, you look so beautiful today. Nick is indeed a lucky man"

"Thank you so much, daddy"

Then he pulls me in for a hug and I hook my hand into his arm. We start to walk towards the hangar and I realize that now I am actually getting married. I want to take in every moment and every facial expression. I want to remember this day in detail. I am so ready to become Mrs. Nick Roberts.


I look at myself in the mirror and I feel proud. Not because of the things I have done but because I can wear this uniform on my grandpa's behalf. I wish I could have gotten to know him because somehow I think we would have gotten along well.

I turn around and look at John.

"I am ready"

"Great let's go"