I Wait


I can feel this beautiful woman in my arms and I can not believe how privilege I am to have her next to me. I am still kind of in disbelief that we got married. I just can not believe that she is my wife. If I look at her sleeping on my chest and I feel her beautiful blonde hair on my arm, my heart just has so much love for her.

It breaks me that I can not do more than what I've already done. I am not a man of prayer but I feel that now is probably a good time as any to start. I can only pray that Mikayla would be able to help her dad. She seems like a good person and if Kim sees her as a friend, she must be.

But that is not the only thing that I realized about her. It looks like she knows what she is doing. I guess being world-renowned should mean something like that. I do not know for how long Kim was sleeping or how long I was just sitting here holding her but I am ready to sit here for as long as she needs.