I smirked at him and I went back toward we're Dumbledore was standing. He said, "well we better get you guys sorted." He grabbed an old musty hat and said," Lizzie Saltzman! "Lizzie went towards the stool and sat down. Dumbledore placed that hat on her head and the hat said," oh a Gemini which. Just not any gemini which. A heretic. A vampire and a witch. Just like Kai Parker." Everybody started to whisper and I said quietly "silencio" nobody could talk except for you and the group and Dumbledore. The Hat continued," well it better be.... Slytherin!"all the slytherins clapped. Next was Josie.Dumbledore said loudly,"Josie Saltzman!" the Hat was placed on her head and it said, "while you guys are twins. You also are a heretic like kai Parker and Lizzie. Both of You basically can't be killed. It better be...Oh...ahhh…..hmmm...Slytherin!"all the Slytherin clapped. Next was Landon. The Hat was placed on his head and started to speak, "wow you are the Phoenix witch i never would have guessed. not Interesting. I know. Ravenclaw!"all the ravenclaw's clapped. next was Kaleb. The hat was placed on his head and said, "oh you're a vampire and a witch...hmmm...it better be... Slytherin!" All the slytherins clapped again next was mg. Dumbledore yelled again," Milton Grea-"before he can finish MG said," it's mg! Is it that hard!" Dumbledora continued and said, "mg!" The Hat was placed on his head that had said,"Ahhhh...Milton Greasl-" he just stood up and took the hat off and threw it across the room. I said, a random spell. To make the hat come back over here. It was placed back on his head and the hat said," okay mg. You're also a vampire witch better be Slytherin!" All the slytherins clapped again but it kind of looked like they're getting tired of clapping.Rafael, Penelope, Sebastian also got sorted into Slytherin. It definitely looks like the Slytherins are all tired of clapping. It was finally my turn. The Hat said," oh! You are the mystical tribrid. half werewolf, vampire, and half witch.a very powerful one.you can also do wandless magic, but you don't have a wand so I think you belong in..Gryiffyin-wait Slytherin!" All these slytherins clapped. we all want to go sit down and I was pretty thankful that we went into slytherin and landon got into Ravenclaw because I did not need to put up with any of his crap today. right after all the first years got sorted Dumbledore with another speech about how great 5th year is going to be. Then a weird-looking pink toad interrupted Dumbledore and said,"uhumm" he let her Step Up 2 were he was satanding and she started saying stuff but I really only caught on when she was saying, "I think we're all going to be really good friends!" I already hated her she was so perky and while she was saying that she was looking around the room to see who her troublemakers are going to be. I was about to say a spell to mess with her but then Lizzie put down my hand and said, "don't. you're going to get in trouble you fool!"in a whisper yell but as always boner boy had to hear it and he laughed oh I wanted to strangle him right here and then. luckily for him, Lizzie stopped me before I did any real damage. He saw that I was going to do that and he flinched and looked away.