An unusual power

The sounds of the birds chirping early in the morning were long taken over by the honks of the cars that drove outside. There was a minor accident on the road, yet people were making a huge argument out of it. The impatient drivers hooked loudly, making it the noisiest morning so far.

"Argh!" Eliana groaned as she rolled over to the other side of the bed. Living right in front of the road where the accident had occurred, making it impossible for her to sleep in even on weekends. The noises increased every second and she finally jumped out of the bed. Walking towards the tiny window of her room, she screamed at the drivers, "Just shut up with the honking!!"

Although it made no difference in the noise; a few people did apologize to her. They didn't want to mess up with her in the morning.

It was a bad start for her, jinxed from the very beginning.

She turned around, her golden hair waving softly as she moved.

The room was a mess even though there was very little furniture, a bed, a study table with a chair, and a cupboard in the corner. There were beer bottles on the floor and books and drawing sheets took over the study table.

Her eyes moved upwards to look at the clock, hanging on the wall. It showed 12.

"Oh!" She rolled her eyes and turned away as she remembered that clock was broken for the past month. She walked toward the bed again and picked up the phone. She turned it on and it started buzzing at that very instant. She shut her eyes tight as the buzzing was giving her a headache. After drinking the whole night, this was bound to happen. Even after so many months, she couldn't get used to the headache as it just increased each time just like her drinking.

She looked back at the screen as silence filled the room again.

"Where are you!!"

"Why did you leave the party without telling me?!"

"Eli! Answer the damn phone!!"

Messages kept popping in the notification bar. "15 missed calls and 30 messages" all from that one person. Leonard, who she called Leo. Her boyfriend.

However, recently she started questioning herself if she actually loved him.

"Can't you just give up?" She sighed and fell on the bed. Her eyes blankly staring at the ceiling. Leo was the one person who broke her completely without even doing any certain thing.

"You don't even love me, so why all this concern…" A tear rolled down her eye as she said those words. All the liquor that she drank daily still couldn't end the pain that she felt.

"Just let me get over you...stop this act! Stop being this perfect boyfriend when you love her..." Her voice got louder and her eyes teared up more. She took a deep breath and wiped away those tears.

She was suddenly reminded of the previous night. The loud noises of the club and hooting of all the people as the DJ played the songs. She hated all that. However, Leo still forced her to go there, attend the party, her "friends" had organized. She went there with him with a bright smile on her face, but ended up crying in the restroom again because of the panic attacks. She escaped after that, drinking in a bar all night. She wanted to forget everything and just shut her mind up.

"La la la~~"

She snapped out of the memory as her phone rang. It was an alarm. She had a class in an hour. She was in her second year of college, studying fine arts. Her paintings mostly described her sorrows. But recently she didn't even feel like drawing.

She got up and headed towards the washroom and freshened up even though she didn't want to. She just wanted to lie in her bed all day or drink till she forgot everything... or maybe end her life.

She got out of the apartment in half an hour. It was a small apartment her family had bought for her, as compensation as they threw her out of the house as soon as she turned 20 to "live independently" as they called it when their elder son was lying around in the house for the past 28 years. They never actually said that they loved him more but it was always clear from their actions.

The same sight, the same street she walked through every day. Shops opening, people cleaning and displaying the items they were selling. The fresh fragrance of food being cooked in the restaurants and mixed in that the smell of coffee that people were buying to make it through the day.

Eliana also walked into the cafe she regularly went to. It was as busy as always. People lined up to get their drinks. It took some time until it was her turn, but it wasn't like she was in a hurry. The girl behind the counter turned and greeted Eliana.

"Ah~ this girl is here again." That girl though. "Why the heck does she never smile? Wouldn't hurt to be friendly for once. Gosh! all these rich brats." She smiled and handed the coffee to Eliana.

"Why are people so fake?" Eliana mumbled as she walked out of the cafe.

She heard everything the counter lady thought, but didn't react, her eyes were blank and dull as always.

It was something she was born with, the power to hear people's thoughts but only if they looked into her eyes.

Some would say it was a miracle and they'd die to have this power. However, for Eliana, it was a curse.

She walked for some distance and arrived at the bus stop. It wasn't as crowded as usual so she took a seat. There was still some time for the bus to arrive, so she closed her eyes for some time. She was feeling lightheaded because of the hangover. Lack of sleep and an improper diet had just worsened her condition.

"I'll be there to share your pain…" The words rang in her ears and she opened her eyes in a startle. Her breathing was a little unstable but it was her mind that was messier.

That guy. She couldn't forget him. That was the first time she had met him but she believed every word he said, including the promise he made to her. It had been 2 months since that incident but she still couldn't forget him. That faded figure, the sweet voice, and green eyes; were imprinted in her mind. There was still a little hope that he would keep his promise.

She reached the college after a few minutes. And what she was planning to avoid was waiting for her at the entrance. Leo.

He smiled on seeing her and a sigh of relief escaped his mouth.

"Eli, where have you been." He pulled her into a hug but there was a gap between them. "Why didn't you answer my calls?"

"The battery died I guess?" She answered and hugged him back, trying to act all normal.

"But why did you leave without me?" He asked as he pulled away from the hug, his voice didn't have any excitement in it; as if he was forcing himself to say these words.

"I was drunk and wanted to rest. You were enjoying it so much so I left you alone…" She lied.

"Ohh okay." He said in a cold tone. She felt a strange pain in her heart. This was the guy she fell in love with, caring and a little commanding. So, why did he change so much? Why did they grow so distant? Was it all an act to begin with?

"Did you eat yet?" He snapped her out of her thoughts. She shook her head slowly and he smiled faintly. Suddenly the image of that green-eyed guy appeared in her mind. It was a strange feeling but it felt a little warm as she thought of him; tried remembering his voice.

Leo held her hand and made her walk in some direction.

"Where are we going?" She asked him and looked shocked.

"To eat, my love." He said and his words pierced through her heart. But still, she smiled at him. Love, that word made her laugh, even after so long there was no place for her in his heart and he could still say the word love to her with a straight face.

They went to a small restaurant nearby, he went to order while she sat at the table, staring at him silently. She was putting an act of happiness in front of him and so was he. However, she was still unsure if he was really dumb enough to not realize it or was he avoiding it on purpose.

He came back with the food and she smiled at him.

"I got your favorites." He smiled brightly. She looked at the food and clenched her fists tightly. All the food that he had got, was what she either disliked or had never tried. She smiled brightly the next second and nodded. They started eating.

"I'm trying so hard…" He thought and she flinched a little as she could hear his thoughts again. "I'm trying to love her...but every time I see her I'm reminded of Nora. Why can't Eli be more like her?" He sighed.

"But I already am…" She thought and clenched her fists tightly, her nails almost piercing into her skin. "I've changed so much just for you even when I don't want to. You treat me as if I'm her. I became what you like. Even I don't know my true self at this point. But whatever it is….I hate it…"