The Second Spell

'This is still quite impressive,' the old man said, 'I believe your sword now can perform your other spells with a buff of five folds at least.'

"Five folds only?" Jim wasn't satisfied with this.

'Don't belittle this buff, it's very strong,' the old man shouted before adding, 'this way you can fight even those older than you with two grades at least.'

"What about higher disciples then?" Jim sighed, "I'm quite sure I'll be targeted by many."

'Then you have to run,' the old man laughed, 'but the good news is that you can even boost your wings and shoes with this spell, adding more speed to your movement.'

"Alright," Jim threw this spell behind his back, "teach me something flashy then."

'A defensive spell?'

"No, I want an offensive one," Jim said in persistence, "less than an hour passed here."