
Jim didn't wait for so long. In less than five minutes the first fighting group finally appeared closer to him.

Their fight was so brutal and that made the trees all around shake. That helped in creating some gaps through which Jim could spot what was going on down below.

"It's a team of disciples fighting against some monsters," he finally saw what was going on as a team of two hundred or less disciples were fighting brutally a group of strange monkey monsters.

The monkeys all had big heads like tigers, strong arms like any berserker or giant. Jim watched these strange monkeys jump over the tree branches and that was the main reason why those disciples were hitting trees all around.

They tried their best to stop the momentum of the monsters, and despite all their attempts it seemed they weren't succeeding in this.

"How can i know their grades then?" he muttered before adding the more important question, "how can i know they are on my side or not."