Something so Unnatural


I walked down the halls of the school. It was empty, other than the faceless guards making their rounds. It took me a moment to find the landmarks I remembered, but then I found that armoury Cecelia had brought me to earlier. The walls were filled with all different types of swords. In all unique shapes and sizes.

I didn't see any blades that were simple double-edged long swords. I carefully picked up one with a strange lightning shape. After waving it around, something didn't feel right. I tried a few others with interesting shapes, but I did not know how to actually pick between them.

With a sigh and not much else to do, I sat down and stared up at the wall of swords. "Having trouble?" A deep voice made my heart skip a beat as I quickly stood up and spun around to see who had spoken. When I did, I was eye to eye with a blonde man with bright purple eyes. Behind and next to him stood an entire battalion of guards. He looked a lot like an older version of Lynne… with that red cloak strung up on his shoulders and a dazzling golden crown, it was obvious that this man was the king.

"You… could say that," I responded wearily, shifting my weight to my back foot.

There was a pause, his sharp eyes staring at me as if they were looking into my soul. They were piercing, taking my breath away. I felt like he was watching every breath. It made me feel like my chest was being crushed. 

"My boy Lynne seems to have taken a liking to you." He said.

I stiffed when he said that. That look on his face… like he was looking at a tool. "I guess…" I responded carefully yet again.

"I think it is important you learn your place, boy." The man said, taking a big step towards me. I held my breath. It took everything in my power not to take a step back. I pressed my lips together, narrowing my eyes at him. Though, I said nothing. I wanted to see where he would go with this.

"Lynne… will not make you his charity case. You are already lucky enough to be here thanks to my son." He spat.

My blood boiled. "I don't think that's for you to decide…" I growled, and the minute I bared my teeth, he stepped even closer, placing his head next to my ear. He lowered his voice, his eyes shifting.

"I don't know what he has told you. But I will assure you, dirty slave boy… the simple act of speaking to you is soiling his royal stature. If you ever think, for even a second I would allow something so unbecoming of a prince, not only to pursue romantic interest with something lower than an animal but something so unnatural as two boys being together… you are sorely mistaken." The king's voice sounded laced with poison.

My eyes widened as he pulled away from me. I knew Lynne was interested in me… I guess… but how did he know?

"If you are foolish enough to think that he isn't just using you as a form of rebellion. Some… sex doll to throw away when he's finished… Just a phase before he settles on the partner he is meant to be with." He looked disgusted. "Like a woman who is capable of bearing him a child. Passing down the royal bloodline."

"Who he ends up with is not for you to decide." I snarled. I didn't understand why I was so angry. I know it was partly from him calling me a slave or lower than an animal… sure. Though that wasn't what was making my heart beat faster or my hands ball into fists.

"It is. Lynne will be arranged to marry a woman of high status for the good of our family. Making alliances through marriage is the way of the royal family. He knows and has accepted that. It is for the good of the kingdom." He explained, but his tone made it sound like he was talking down to a child. Breaking down obvious details and speaking in a slow, condescending tone.

Hearing about that arranged marriage… for some reason, I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"How is that fair…?" I spat. "The good of kingdom…? What about for the good of Lynne?"

"This is for the good of Lynne. Whatever he thinks he wants… is juvenile." The king announced in a booming voice.

I wanted to punch him.

"Lynne does not belong to you. The best you could hope for… is to be his play-thing until he settles down with a real woman." The man said.

I was going to punch him.

However, the minute I even flinched, I could feel the guards all tense towards their blades. I took a deep breath as the king turned his back to me and began to walk out the door. "You have been warned… stop grooming Lynne to settle with you. Do not pursue him further."

I held my breath as I watched him disappear into the castle, away from the room. The minute he was gone, the pressure on my chest felt eased. That was stupid… Lynne was the one pursuing me… not the other way around. I didn't even like him like that... I-I couldn't. Yet for some reason, the king came in person just the threaten me to stay away from him. He should have spoken to Lynne.

I turned back around the analyze the swords on the wall once again. However, the more I tried to get my mind off of that conversation, the more the king's words seemed to bother me. How being attracted to a boy was unnatural… that Lynne needed somebody to bear his children.

I then remembered that he said he plans to set Lynne up with an arranged marriage to some noblewoman from another family. She would probably be well kept, intelligent… probably beautiful, with fancy clothing and jewelry. He'd be happy with whoever his father would choose for him.

So why did picturing him with somebody else make me feel sick to my stomach?