Chapter Nineteen: Become the Legend

They buried Nathaniel on the beach the next morning, only a large lump on the sand an indication that someone lay beneath it. Exodus knelt next to the grave, a hand atop the sand as he wiped his tear-stained face, hiccupping slightly. "You know," said Rachel as she came out the destroyed cave and calmly walked over to Exodus, "We could try talking to him through the Lake." Exodus shook his head quickly, feeling a wave of guilt hit him as he slowly began standing, turning away from Rachel and beginning to head to the cave. "Exodus…wait," Rachel's voice cut through the tense atmosphere like glass, and Exodus turned back to her, sadness in his eyes as he looked down. He did not know why, but he could hardly even look her in the eyes. Slowly, she walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder gently. Exodus wanted to pull away, but when he caught sight of her eyes, he remained still.

Slowly, she brought their faces together, and their lips met. Exodus kissed Rachel softly, their lips gently moving against one another for several long moments before they pulled away and rested their foreheads together. "You need to do this," she whispered into Exodus' ear, and before Exodus could protest, she kissed his cheek. "You need to talk to your brother," she finished, slowly stepping away, turning, and then walking back to the cave, making sure to step over Armageddon's fallen body before disappearing inside. Exodus stood alone on the beach, looking to the cave where he longed to hide away from the world. The guilt and fear and mourning were building up inside his mind, but then he turned to the Lake. He took a deep breath, and slowly began approaching the Angel's Lake. Each footstep felt heavy as he walked up to the wet sand at the water's edge, staring out at the crystal-clear water.

Then he knelt down, his entire fist glowing, and he plunged it into the water. Nothing happened other than the Hope crackled up and down his hand in the water. Exodus clenched his teeth in frustration, stood, and turned to the cave. He did not even have his brother's wisdom to guide him. "Where do you think you're going?" a voice asked, and Exodus spun on the spot, his breath catching in his throat as Nathaniel stood on the Lake, a smile upon his face. "Brother,' Exodus began, but Nathaniel raised a hand to silence him, chuckling and then grinning. "Dear brother, I have been watching you mourn my passing of this world into the next, yet there is nothing to mourn. Nothing that matters," said Nathaniel, still smiling when Exodus' expression changed to one of confusion. "I knew that Catastrophe would not be destroyed completely by my last stand., it will take much more than that to destroy him.

"However, I allowed myself to pass on because I knew that someone better and stronger than me would put an end to Catastrophe. That person is you." Exodus began stuttering in surprise, unsure of what to say as his brother reached out a hand and, to apparently both of their surprise, touched Exodus' cheek. Nathaniel looked down at himself, and then slowly stepped a foot out onto the smooth sand, followed quickly by the rest of his body. He was faded and ghostly in the real world as he stood before Exodus, using his foot to nudge a mound of sand. His foot passed through it easily, and Nathaniel sighed. "I know that I could dive down into my body and reclaim it," he murmured, and when Exodus stood aside so that he could see the mound under which his body lay, Nathaniel shook his head. "No brother. I will not return to face down Catastrophe once more."

Exodus returned to staring mournfully at his feet, but Nathaniel crouched before him, still displaying the grin that Exodus knew so well. "Brother, when you put the sparks of Hope into the Lake, a pervious possessor who has passed has the option of answering. I waited for you to, just so that I could appear once more. I have need to tell you something incredibly important. You will not be able to face Catastrophe without it." Exodus' eyes widened, and he slowly nodded. Nathaniel rose from his crouch and then indicated to the mound of sand nearby. "You need to make a connection to the Lake. With the Power of Hope. It is the only way you can do this. The only way you can become the legend." Exodus wanted to ask more, but then Nathaniel stepped backwards and returned to the Lake, where his body seemed much more life-like.

Nathaniel nodded at Exodus, and he returned the nod, then flexing his right arm. "No. Your whole body," Nathaniel reminded, and Exodus lowered his right fist. He then took a deep breath and powered up his legs. Then his thighs. Then his torso. Then his arms. Then his hands. Then, finally, his head. His entire body glowed a bright yellow, illuminating the already golden morning from the rising sun, and Exodus outstretched a hand, gently tapping the water of the Lake with a singular finger. He felt something snap into place in his mind, as though it had been loose for his entire life and finally decided to come together. Something gold glinted out the corner of Exodus' eye, and as he turned, he realised it was the mound of sand. A golden beam was erupting from it and then pouring into Exodus. It was like a hot feeling encased his whole body. He tried to move yet couldn't.

"Enough!" Nathaniel shouted, and Exodus unpowered himself, falling onto one knee and panting. His suit felt lighter and easier to move around in as he rose, and Nathaniel chuckled, clapping his hands together in excitement. "Well done, Symbol of Hope," he said, and Exodus looked down. He was no longer wearing his suit. It was an exact copy of Nathaniel's. Blue entwined with flashes of gold and wait. Exodus let a smile appear upon his face as he stared down, flexing his muscles a little to test the suit, which seemed to stretch slightly with his muscles. "Why…is it yours?" Exodus asked, feeling slightly overwhelmed as he stared back up at his brother, who chuckled and nodded his head. "I have given you my suit because it is the suit that everyone has grown used to. The Symbol of Hope's suit. Now, it is your turn."

Exodus felt an overwhelming feeling of both pride and accomplishment, and then Nathaniel sighed, looking over his shoulder at something that Exodus could not see, and then giving a small chuckle. "It seems my time for talking is up. I am needed on the Council of the Passed," he murmured as he turned back to Exodus, his grin reappearing on his face. "You be good, little brother. Look after your friends, and never give up. If you ever need help…you know where to find me." Then, in front of Exodus' very eyes, Nathaniel began fading. He did not shout for his brother to return, however. Instead, he watched with the same grin on his face that his brother wore. When the image of Nathaniel finally vanished, Exodus no longer felt a feeling of mourning or guilt. Instead, he felt pride and determination circling through his mind like a hawk.

He turned away from the Lake, chuckling lightly, and headed back to the cave, the bright morning light glancing off the mostly blue suit as he walked into the rubble-strewn cave. Its top was destroyed and allowed the sunlight to pour in, and in the furthest corner crouched Henry, a furious expression upon his face when he saw the suit Exodus wore. Rachel stepped beside Exodus, and the fury grew on Henry's face. He stood, and charged forward, his gaze fixed upon Exodus. He neared and then jumped, placing his hands on Exodus' shoulders as he turned and kicked out behind him. The foot hit Rachel in the chest, and she fell back in pain as Henry landed on the ground beside Exodus, outstretched his leg and flipped him over it. Exodus spun through the air and landed painfully onto the sand, Henry towering above him with a murderous expression upon his face.

Exodus flipped onto his feet, and Henry advanced, fists raised. Henry took several swipes at Exodus before shoving him back, raising his right fist and hooking it through the air. Exodus remembered what his brother had taught him, so he dashed forward and ducked under the arm. Henry let out a frustrated hiss, turned and kicked down at where Exodus was, except he was no longer there. Henry's eyes drifted upwards, and he saw Exodus twisting through the air, raising an unpowered fist and then plunging it down. It collided with Henry's face, and Henry crumpled as Exodus landed behind him. Henry started getting to his feet, but Exodus was there in milliseconds, placing a firm foot against his back to keep him in place. "Enough," Exodus growled as Henry struggled beneath him. "You have no right to wear that suit!" Henry spat, still trying to escape Exodus' firm boot.

"You believe that because you do not know the circumstances upon which I wear it," Exodus said simply, and Henry immediately went still, panting but his eyes wide. "Explain," he replied, and Exodus took his foot from Henry's back and crouched beside him. "I went to the Angel's Lake. Rachel encouraged me to, so I went. I used the Hope to bring my brother to this world temporarily, so we could talk. He told me to do two things. To stop mourning his passing, and to make a connection to the Angel's Lake. Though it drained me of some energy, I managed to create a stable connection with the Lake, and from that connection I drew the Power that still remained in Nathaniel's body. I contain a little of Nathaniel's strength, and because of that, his suit appeared on my body. He told me what it meant, and that I had to keep fighting."

Exodus waited for Henry to make another accusation, or call him insane, yet Henry did neither of those things. Instead, he rose from the ground, turned, and embraced Exodus tightly. Exodus returned the hug, and then they both pulled away. "So, what's the plan?" asked Henry as Rachel came beside them, and Exodus grinned. "Let's go get this son of a bitch."