Spider hunt

Lucifer's MP had decreased to a single-digit number amid all this, so he took out a mana potion from his jacket and drank it.

Now that the target was in front, the spiders started attacking Lucifer with poison. The poison was acidic and could paralyze the prey on touch. Also, compared to the low-level spider, these male spiders' venom was much stronger.

This part of the forest was full of spider webs, which made avoiding those attacks a bit tricky. However, Lucifer was able to assess his surroundings and used them to avoid the attacks easily.

While Lucifer was dodging those attacks, he glanced in the old man and Luna's direction, 'They should be able to defeat two males after them, but if the queen joins, that's another story.'

The only way Lucifer could think of defeating them was by directing them towards the open ground and burning the dry leaves and grass below them. So, he turned around and shot a burst of flames at them.

Even though the attack decreased a little of their HP, their tough skin could withstand most of its impact.

Lucifer then used the time he could buy with that attack to take out some rum bottles from his arsenal.

He then jumped towards the ground beneath them and created a circle of around three meters radius to trap the spider by dropping the rum. After that, he stood inside it and waited for the spiders to crawl down towards him.

It could be because of alcohol's smell, but the spiders were acting very cautious. But despite their caution, they still moved closer to their targets.

Lucifer had heard that as the monster level increased, the less effective the holy water and other monster warding liquids became. And in this case, he was fortunate that it worked in his favor.

As soon as the spiders stepped into the circle, Lucifer jumped back and used fire burst to light fire around them. Because of the alcohol and dry leaves, the fire spread rapidly and covered the entire ground beneath them.

Lucifer then took out a few more wine bottles from his arsenal and threw them at the spiders. When the fire touched the wine from those broken bottles, their entire body was covered in flames.

As that happened, their HP decreased in a flash and soon reached zero. By the time it did, their body had been completely burned, with only their bones and exoskeleton remaining.

[Congratulations! You've leveled up!]

Lucifer had no time to check the notification. He took the flaming spear out of his arsenal and rushed towards the other two.

When he reached there, Luna had already defeated one of the male spiders but was struggling to defend against the three others and the queen.

Michael breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lucifer. "What took you so long?"

"Didn't you see two machos behind me, old man. Had to fry them first."

Compared to the other spiders, the queen's movement was slow, but her long-distance attack was much more powerful. She could use breath attacks like poison breath along with some wind and web attacks.

Luna was using a mirror shield to deflect the attacks. It was a skill she possessed, which was effective in the long-distance battle against an opponent.

However, it wasn't much useful while fighting multiple opponents, as it was extremely hard to aim while defending.

Here, in these spiders' case, their own poison hardly worked against them, so it was practically useless for counter-attacking. It could, however, be used to defend against the incoming attacks to a certain extent.

Luna was being pushed back with a barrage of attacks, and the old man's liquid was barely decreasing any of their HP for it to even be called effective.

Lucifer drank another potion and charged at one of the male spiders from behind. He thrust his spear through its abdomen and followed up with a flame burst.

After the recent level-ups, his MP has increased to the point where he could use those attacks consecutively.

He pulled out the spear and thrust it into him again, this time without activating it. The spider barely had any HP left, so wasting magic points there was unnecessary.

By killing the spider, Lucifer ended up attracting the attention of the queen, who turned around and started attacking Lucifer.

Lucifer didn't possess any shield to block her attacks, so he had to distance himself and move continuously to avoid the incoming attacks.

His attacks were barely effective against her, so all he could do was hold her back while Luna and Michael dealt with the two male spiders.

It was impossible to dodge all the attacks, especially poison breath. So, he took a health potion as soon as he came across its effect range. That way, he could prevent his HP from dropping gradually.

While he kept the queen distracted, Luna attacked one of the male spiders with the flame wave and lowered her HP. When there was barely any HP left, Michel threw a bottle of his poison at him and finished it off.

While they were dealing with this one, the old man was keeping the other spider at bay using holy water. But now that the spider was dead, both of them could focus on dealing with the one final male spider left.

Michael still had two bottles of concentrated alcohol with him, which he threw at the remaining male spider.

As soon as the bottles touched his body, Luna attacked him with a flame burst, which exploded them. As a result, the spider's body was entirely covered in flames, and his HP started decreasing quickly.

Once the spider's HP became zero, Luna drank a mana potion and attacked the queen with a flame wave.

That attack was able to drain one-sixth of the queen's HP and shift her focus towards Luna. She quickly activated the mirror shield and deflected her poison.

That allowed Lucifer to charge from behind. He thrust his spear into the queen's abdomen and jumped back after firing a Flame burst at her.

He left the spear in her abdomen, and it was slowly draining her HP. Even so, her focus didn't shift from Luna this time. It was apparent that she considered her to be a more significant threat.

Lucifer looked towards Michael, who had run out of holy water and poison. "Looks like someone is out of gas."

"Well, what can an old man like me do without his tools."

"Ha-ha! Then just sit back and watch!"

Lucifer drank a mana potion and took out a sword from his arsenal called the heat hammer.

He hadn't used this sword before, but there were things that he found interesting about it while reading the specification.

The sword was blunt, but it could cause an explosion on contact with its target. Although, it could work both ways. If one wasn't strong enough to handle the sword, it could repel the caster and throw them backward.

Lucifer grabbed the hilt tight and attacked the queen with everything he had. However, as soon as his sword touched the queen, the explosion repelled him back.

Nevertheless, her HP became less than half after that attack, and her focus was now on Lucifer, so the attack was worth it.

Lucifer jumped back to avoid her breath, while Luna attacked the queen as soon as she turned around.

After a Flame wave followed by a Fame burst, her HP was almost down to a hundred. The Flame burst became more impactful because of Lucifer's spear in her abdomen. It was pushed further inside by the attack.


When she started crying in agonizing pain, Lucifer finished her off with one final swing of the sword. Like before, he was pushed back again, but his foothold was a lot better this time. So, the impact wasn't as big.

[Congratulations! You've leveled up!]