Without realizing when my back touched the wall I couldn't stop looking at the giant Red Ant with wings on her back
This is just an insect, It won't be that dangerous, I thought in mind as I tried to stay calm because fear isn't going to help me to defeat this Ant
I gripped my dagger tightly facing downward in front of my face, she flew across the room toward me. I dive out of the way, her giant body slammed on the wall badly yet she attacked me with one of the front legs, I tried to move fast as I could but still got hit by the leg
[ HP - 3 ]
I have bounced off few meters away from her as my chest undertook to sting. I spit a mouth full of blood on the ground
she separated herself from the wall and instantly dashed towards me. this time I readied for her attack, I rolled out without going far away from her, and when she turned back as I predicted. I took the opportunity to stab her in the head without thinking... what if my dagger wasn't able to penetrate her skin because of her hard steel-like skin unlike other ants, but fortunately my dagger sunk all in, in her head like it was cutting a watermelon
" screeeeeeeee...." she screamed stumbling back, I pulled my dagger forcefully out before jumping backward at a safe distance.
Again she rushed at me using her two big teeth to bite me, I could not oversee these lethal blows as one strike hit me on one arm
[ HP - 1]
I was using all my strength to attack with a dagger but hardly delivering minor injuries by using skills and agility combined. I realized that if this continued then this will cause a huge disaster for me.
I roll another side before she strikes me, I instantly used my speed to attack her while she wasn't looking at me on her weak spots, behind the skull. However, I slipped on the stone and missed my golden opportunity to deliver a heavy blow
she promptly backs away and slammed her two teeth onto me like a bull, tossing me away from her
[ HP - 2
current HP - 4 ]
" shit " I cursed my luck after seeing her darting herself at me. Yet, I am not the guy who depends on luck. I galloped toward her and when she was a few distances away from me, I slipped beneath her using my dagger to penetrate her skin on the belly.
she staggered forwards near to the wall, with every scream she was hitting her head on the wall furiously
I could see She is losing her mind however if I gave her time to assemble herself then surely it's will be my funeral without question
" Hey wait for us " Tyson came running toward her with Ray following behind him
I could see Tyson's big red sword and the first thought that came to my mind is how can he as a sword? , where did he stash earlier?
Ray suddenly disappeared from his spot and came between me and that ant. before I able to react or think about anything he delivered his punch on the face of an ant queen
giant Ant was pushed back with the full impact of that punch but this time she wouldn't able to make any voice
Tyson leaps from the ground with raising his big sword in the air with a single strike he decapitated that ant
[ Gain exp 25
user gained the exp for helping to kill the monster ]
[ Level up.....
current LvL 2 14 / 250 ]
[ received 1 update point
update points are used to level up users' abilities. ]
I noticed that my wounds recovered immediately but I couldn't avert my gaze from the front window
[ character
Name - Don
Hp - 15 / 15
Mana - 15/15
stamina - 15/15
Ability - unknown ]
[ User gained
25 % strength
25 % Agility
25 % Durability ]
[ every time the user will levels up he will gain 25 % strength, agility, durability extra ]
I thought this is not enough to gain only 25% of my strength, agility, and durability increased for the short run but this would gonna help me a lot when I will reach a certain level.
for example, if I have 100 strength points then every time I level up I will gain 25 % means 25 strengths that's in a total of 125 but when I again level up hen I will get 25 % of 125 is around 31 in total 156 and when I again level up, 25 % of 156, I started smiling for few movements as I thought in the future if I kept leveling up what will happen but I shook that thought away. I wanting to focus now
but I didn't saw the message that I badly wanted to see for a long time," where are my abilities "
[ Ability: user currently don't have abilities]
Again that message appeared and I unconsciously looked at Tyson frustratedly, he looks back with a nervous smile
" I am sorry I thought you needed my help "
" Me too," Ray said backing away from me.
" it's ok I am not mad at you guys it's just my head started hurting suddenly " I put my dagger in my belt and looks at other people who were coming towards us looking at the headless Ant
Ray couldn't leave his eyes from me looking like he didn't believe my words, we locked gaze, I thought there is something about this guy, his energy seems familiar to me and besides, he was teleported in front of me. how can this possible, it's not some random ability, humans' bodies only able two copes with one ability, they can't able to use two abilities but this guy has a thunder element and teleportation...or there was something I was missing about humans.
" You are so fast Ray " sword disappeared from Tyson's hand and he started walking toward Ant, after reaching he put his one foot on the corpses of an ant queen
Ray glances back at him without uttering a word, as I thought only I would've guessed that this was teleportation, not his physical speed
" where did that sword come from, " I asked Tyson
" oh you mean that great sword it's my grandfathers, only I able to wield it so I stole it and ran away "
silence falls on the entire area, other heroes were also staring at Tyson in the unbelievable face, Tyson realized that he said something that he shouldn't have said, he gave a weak smile
" Who are you again " I step forward because I wanted answers from that muscle head
" We thought you are a poor brat like us " Ray also wanted to know where he came from or at least showing interest like me.
Tyson signs and looks at others and lets out " I will tell you when we get back our home "
" that's impossible how can you guys even managed to kill her " Jeff came running from the corner as he looks at everyone
" where is your sword now ?," I asked ignoring Jeffs question
Tyson shows his hands pointing to the ring on his middle finger " here "
I have no idea what was that thing is ... and another question raised, why didn't I see it when we are at home?
" it's a storage ring, when you become E rank or above, they will give you one " Ray responded to my question after studying my I don't get it to face
" yeah it's really useful but this ring was a gift from my grandfather, I could easily make this invisible whenever I want like other rings but this one is so special " Tyson started kissing his ring finger rapidly without thinking about others
" And who the fuck is your grandfather? " Ray glare at Tyson but Tyson didn't answer or stop kissing his finger
Suddenly portal appeared behind me... I saw everyone's face light up before making a run for it.
After coming and taking our belonging from agent B, he asked some questions to everyone, it's was not essential to give him his answers so we went toward the bus without looking back at other humans
Ray and Tyler sat beside me silently and after a few more minutes all of the remaining people came and sat in their previous seats including Jeff
Short after that Agent A came in our bus with a beaming smile on his face
" Congratulations guys only 50 percent of the death rate in your raid you guys are strong, by the way, who delivered the final blow? "
everybody looks back at us but Tyson hid his face like he doesn't want to tell him that he was the one who killed that ant
Jeff looks back at us for a few moments and after seeing we don't have any interest to get the credit for killing that queen he lets out " I killed her "
others frown at his words but nobody dared to say a word, after all, nobody wanted to make D ranker their enemy. However, they can't help but looking back at us like they wanted to say that why we letting him take all the credit
" What's your name? "
" Jeff... I am jeff "
"D-rank hero, I guess that makes sense but I thought C rank hero will be the one who was going to kill that thing but it's ok " Agent A left after that.
The remaining people were now whispering to each other as they kept looking back at us, even
few of them came directly towards us
" Thanks for saving us, " one girl said as she took a seat in front of us, other two girls also thanked us or Tyson for killing that ant.
subsequently, when other boys saw girls already started chatting with us they also decided to join, firstly they apologized for their early behavior
I looked at everyone's faces. These filthy creatures always kneel in front of the power if that guy named A or whatever hadn't revealed that someone who has C rank among us they would never bother to come here
after a while, they left us alone in the back seat ... I lean on the window and closed my eyes when the bus started moving...