chapter 38: James

" How can she kill ... a person" James was leaning on the dry tree huffing with exertion. He muttered himself recalling Wendy killing one of the F-ranked heroes before they both ran into the Forest.

James was Observing the surrounding area but he was helpless to detecting anything in the darkness, he summoned a little flame in his hand and started walking forward before Other heroes catch up to him, he only summoned a small flame so he could be able to see one or two feet away from him without letting anyone notices him expect Wendy she was capable to sense his aura because of her high rank though James didn't care about her, he was worried for Don

Don was F ranked hero Despite he was stronger than other F ranked heroes still This chanting voice probably affected him or even somehow he managed to stay conscious, That other guy named Gabriel, according To Wendy's info he wanted to kill Don so James wants to find Don as soon as possible, He doesn't want to lose Guy like Don even he was F rank hero.

Another thing frightening him was the Creatures that were dwelling in the Dark Forest, James surprised that He didn't encounter a single creature since he arrived in this forest as he gapes in his mind, either he was powerless to detect them in the darkness or those creatures were perfect in the stealth, everything aside Why this voice keeps coming from all over Forest?

A bunch of questions appeared in his mind but He creeps into the darkness without stopping suddenly he heard a cry in different directions it's indeed from human

" Stop....please ...Sto..."

James draws back as he started trembling he realized that voice was coming from only a few distances away from him, But that crying kept getting louder and louder as if he wanted to ask for aid, James turn back and about to leave but he stooped for second mumbling himself " No ... maybe he is in danger ... I can't just..."

James signs and turn back breathing at a faster pace " I am the son of the tiger clan's leader ... I can't just run away if someone needs my help...I will help him."

James storms toward that direction summoning flames in his both palms ready to attack whatever creature attacking that guy, when he approached that guy he was frozen on the ground looking at the place, there was no one around only that guy were shouting for help

" Hey ... are you ok ... tell me what happened"

That guy looks at James as he started sobbing " please save me ... this voice is killing me ... I don't want to be crazy ..."

James put his hands on his shoulder and tried to comfort him. he knew there was nothing he could do to help him right now but either way he decided to use comforting words " You have to snap out of it, You can't give up now... remember you're loved once they are waiting for you outside "

James words affected him like a remedy, he started shouting " No ... I can't die here ... my mom is waiting for me .. i. cant" he slammed his fist on the ground several times as blood began to come out from his knuckles " Thanks "

encouraging smile placed on James face after seeing his words able to make that guy calm even he didn't know it will work or not " you are strong... what's your name " James get up forwarding his hand towards that guy

" I am Cesar ... I am E ranked hero fire ... fire mage " Cesar grabbed James hand and stood on the ground with a weak smile

James and Cesar started walking in the forest, James was taking lead, and Cesar was following behind but Cesar nonetheless struggling hard inside.

" Are you ok Cesar?" James asked looking back at him.

"Yeah .... I'm ...ok just voice is too loud for me "

" Don't worry everything will be fine "

even after two hours of strolling, they were unable to see a single living soul, James decided to take a break as both of them sat near a tree. James offered water and some food but Cesar refused to eat. James's hunger was growing so much after the mana he used and to fill that void he started eating food.

Even after few minutes passed Cesar stayed silent and that made James concerned as he cautiously approached Cesar " Cesar are you with me friend"

But no response, James swallowed his saliva as he moves back, Cesar turn his head towards James summoning a fireball in his palm

James dashed away after seeing a fireball coming in his direction, he cried " Cesar ... Do not let those voices consume you "

" Powe.....r... I wan....t power..." Only these words were escaped from Cesar's mouth, he put his both hands together to attack fire breath

James didn't concerned about his attack coz he knew Fire breath takes too much mana and it's impossible for someone like E ranked hero to use this but James didn't attack him he was just calling his name again and again, as if he thought maybe be he would able to make him calm like before, but James' eyes widen as he saw a large fireball appeared front of his palms

Cesar used a jet of fire from his palms, James hardly managed to dodge it but fortunately, the clothes which James was wearing made from a highly ranked beast so his skin didn't burn by his attack but Dry tree behind James stated burning and that burning made large noise and lights

" Fuck " James made a fireball and attacked Cesar However he didn't use his full power so Cesar can't be get hurt or at least he will manage to avoid it but surprisingly fireball Slammed on Cesar's chest making him flew away in the distance

" why .. he didn't dodge that attack ... " James rushed at Cesar to see if he is still alive, As he thought it's impossible to kill E ranked hero with one fireball

But before he managed to get close to him, Cesar again used his fire breath, this time James caught off guard, if he wanted to survive this then he had to use his powers, James attacked using his fire breath, and as expected his fire breath was a lot stronger than Cesar

Their fires clashed in the mid-air and a big fireball formed between them, James slightly raised his power and pushed that fireball forwards to Cesar

" Power.....i..." Cesar unable to match James strength and eventually he burned into crisp

James dropped to his knees looking at his hands with a sad expression" I ... I killed someone.."


Gabriel lost Don's blood trial because he couldn't able to see clearly in the dark forests even after looking for hours " where the fuck did he go "

Wendy ran away from crazy heroes. she climbed on a tree for a better view and at the same time take a nap so she will keep herself safe from Others and unknown creatures...

after 8 hours ...

One of the F- Ranked heroes went to the dark cave where Don was slept unconscious, one word comes out of his mouth after seeing a guy leaning on the wall

" Kil...l kill...