chapter 43: Payback

" You don't have a chance against me ....James " Wendy unconsciously started floating in the air as her Black hairs turn white

James stumbled upon the ground after seeing her transformation "it's...impossible."

If Mages managed to push their limits then their powers boost for few minutes and this phenomenon knows as Transforming into true potential, Their mana become limitless, speed becomes flawless however It also has drawbacks, after that minutes passed their body become too weak, they lost their consciousness for a certain period or they were chance that might hurt their internal organs because of the overuse of mana.

James undoubtedly saw this transformation many times but this was the first time he had witnessed a low ranker like Wendy able to achieve this feat, minimum A ranked heroes able to Transform or Go berserk, or in some unexpected events where one or two B ranked heroes able to achieve this feat but Wendy was D ranked hero and she managed to achieve this feat ...this thing was dumbfounded, James

" This...power ...will be mine...I will...kill everyone..." Wendy said as her voice is also changed, she sounded like she was saying one word two times

James prepared himself for the upcoming attack after seeing a big giant ice sword forming above Wendy's head, Without spending time James began shooting fireballs at her in hope of he'd able to distract her from making a sword but before those Fireballs hit her they explode few feet away from her position

" Moron...I am ... untouchable-"

Rounded metal shield hit directly on Wendy's head making ice swords disappear in the air, blood drips her forehead moving to her eyes. she was now more furious

" Why are you fucking lying... shameless girl " Don mocked Wendy while facing her from another direction. And as Don expected his words made Wendy extremely angry, she unable to restrict herself from attacking him

" it infuriating to see an insect running his mouth " wendy about to Attack Don with ice spikes but one big fireball smacked on her face making her flew away in the air until she crashed hard on the dried tree-like ragged flying doll

" Don't ignore me" James took advantage of Wendy distraction after seeing Don intervene in the battle

Don and James both Nodded as they rush at her, Wendy created Ice spikes in the air to attack both of them but this time James was also started counter-attacking with fireballs. he was intending to give time to Don so he could grab the shield to defend himself.

After picking up a shield from the ground Don headed for wendy, James shooted fireballs in front of Don so he could cover the gap between them without letting wendy knew where he was at the moment.

Wendy again tried to freeze the ground around her like last time but James curbed her efforts, Don emerged from the Smoke with fast speed before Wendy get any time to attack back He slammed his shield on her shoulder before she could react to it.

Wendy staggered few feet away yet she recovered back and before Don get any close She freezes all the ground beside her, Surprisingly she freezes more than 10 meters around herself

Don jumps off the ground, as he saw Ground began to froze and thankfully he avoided being trapped in the ice, James just heated the area beside him so he couldn't get freeze similarly. However, Don struggled while moving on the slippery ice surface his worn-out shoes making it harder and harder to take the action like sprint or dash.

Out of nowhere, Wendy launched an attack on Don, Don's movement mellowing out because of her Spell of the frozen surface.

Don blocked Spear but At the same time he bounces back from the impact of the spear, Don tight his grip on the metal shield as he stood on the icy surface however before he moves further razor-like sharp big Poles came to be materializing from the ice surface one by one, Don hardly avoided them as he jumping backward 7 feet tall razor-like poles kept moving toward Don.

James gathered his mana as his eyes become relatively like a burning blaze. circle of flame arose around James and that flame-shaped In Flaming snake with making low voice..."Hiss"

James released that snake towards Wendy after putting all his strength and mana into that attack, Wendy Used ice walls in the air to prevent the snake from coming towards her nonetheless Fire snake changed the path as he kept heading for wendy no matter what how many obstacles in the path.

Unfortunately, as the snake reached wendy his size decreased second by second due to James' lack of mana and strength, Fire snake successfully slams on his target and a Loud and painful cry echoes throughout the forest.

Wendy's hair was burned along with her skin, some of her clothes burned, One thing that was didn't alter from her face was her expression, Wendy proclaimed with a creepy smile on her face

" Are...yo..u Done ...attacking "

James was frightened after seeing her talking in that state, This was not possible for any human being to talk in that kind of state but James knew she was no longer a human being, he replied with a weak smile on his face " Yes ... but I not sure about him "

The rounded metal shield came rushing towards wendy slashing the air in the atmosphere, Wendy created an Ice wall to stop that shield, and when that Shield crashed on the ice wall It almost smashed into pieces, Lots of cracks formed on the ice wall and metal shield stuck on it, Smile appeared on Wendy's face after seeing wall saved her but before she realized anything, another Half broken Pole completely mashed the ice wall, and before wendy could react to it. The pointy edge of the pole punctures her abdomen

Wendy vomits a mouth full of blood as she dropped on the ground her snowy eyes turned back to norman

she saw one black figure approaching her before darkness swallowed her vision


Don kneels beside her with a calm expression on her face

" Say...Hi to Charon " Don slowly closed her eyes " only one left "



" what's your next plan? " James asked Don in uncertainty, he pondered there was no single beast in this forest so it was nearly impossible for them to escape from this dungeon as if he wanted to hear Don point of view about this dilemma

" I have an escape plan ..."

James was astonished after hearing his words as he stuttering" You... but"

" Don't ask me questions ... if you want to leave this forest then follow me but ..." Don observed James closely in the suspicious-looking Face

Both James and Don Falls silent for few minutes as they both wonders... How long he will able to stay conscious in this forest, both knew each other's powers, and if something would go wrong while they traveling with each other then it will definite that they will come across their end.

" You are alive as long as you don't attack me " Don darted his gaze on James before he turns back and starts walking

" Same here "

James stated following Don in the Dark Forest but maintaining a safe distance between them in case something happens

[ Gain exp ...400

exp extra ...200


650 / 1000 ]


Outside of the Portal ...

One Guy hurtles towards the main office of news Z bumping on the few people along the way but he didn't break off his sprinting.



" Scarlett you Don't have to apologize ... " Mr. Anderson Lets out with a gentle smile on her face

" Yeah ... but still because of me " Scarlett looks at the floor as he stopped talking

" Come on that slap was awesome Scar ..." Mira shouted as she was trying her best not to laugh

suddenly the Door of Mr. Andersons Office burst open and one man came into the office as he fully Drained from running all the way, Everyone in the room startled after seeing him

" Mr ..ander...That ...dungeon ...double dungeon emerged last night ..."