Next midday ...
" Hey, are you sure you don't want to go on a date ?" Mira said teasingly
"It's not funny Mira ... I seriously hate this blind date ..." Scarlett said in an irritating voice while preparing herself for a date that her grandpa set up for her
" Well ... I have another way how about I will go instead of you, " Mira said with puppy eyes
" grandpa will kill me and then you "
" Too bad ....then how about -"
" No ... I am already late I have to go " Scarlett hugged mira before she leaves her apartment.
in the evening the streets
" Sorry I have a boyfriend.. but don't tell my grandpa ... " Scarlett muttered herself before she enters a restaurant " Oh god why I am so stressed ..."
" Excuse me where is table no 21 " Scarlett asked one of the girls and when they pointed in that direction she went towards that table.
One guy with red hair tied in a bun wearing a red tuxedo was standing looking outside.
Scarlett approached near him and cleared her throat to get his attention as that guy turn around she somewhat felt she had seen that guy somewhere before but where ...
" Looking beautiful...cutie "
Scarlett's eyes widen in shock after she remembered her old friend. she hugged him tightly while tears rolling down from her eyes.
" Tyson..n "
" are still crybaby " Tyson hugged her back with a gentle smile placed on his face
" now stop crying before you will ruin my clothes "
" Where have you been ....grandpa never told me that guy was you ..." Scarlett slap his hand playfully after she wipes her tears.
" I am hungry about we eat first " Tyson gestures her to seat with him. Tyson filled her up with every detail since he arrived in the Z city
" You were here since whole three months and never got time for me ..." Scarlett pouted leaning back at her chair
" yeah ... but I am going to stay here," Tyson said as he looks at the food in front of him "let's dig in "
" Hold on ... First tell me that you are going to eat like humans... " Scarlett said with a smile
" Excuse me, princess ... I love my eating style, and trust me there are people out there who eat like us ..." Tyson said in a proud voice
" Yeah ...Your new friends right the way who are they? " Scarlett took a bite of her sandwich " Because of them you forgot me..."
" oh... yeah those guys are awesome ...they were also like me "
" Tyson ...Eat slowly .. you are not a kid anymore" Scarlett glance at other people who were looking at them or most likely at him
" I like this burger you know ...and what is this white thing ...cheez "
They both talked with each other until their dinner finished
" Hey don't worry I will take care of the bill, " Tyson said looking at the bill but after seeing the number he almost puke
" 2400$ " He mumbled himself
" Hey you are at my home, so it's my responsibility to treat you ..." Scarlett said as she wanted to pay the bill but no matter what she says that guy refused to let her pay.
" I am D rank hero naturally I am Rich you can go outside, I will come after paying the bill "
" As you wish " Scarlett signs and walked out of the restaurant, she knew if that weirdo wanted to do something then nobody was in this world will stop him
( Tyson - Bruh...I need some money.
Don - Who are you?
Tyson - hey come on ...buddy please lend me
some money I will promise that ...
Don - Hey Ray, Tyson wants to speak with you
{ Don put-call On the loudspeaker }
Ray - I am giving you my time so make it
Tyson - Brother Please I need some money
Ray - ...
Tyson - ...Hello
Tik tik tik...)
" Damn it they hung up the call ..." Tyson, again called Don
( Tyson - Bro ...please ... they will make me do dishes if you didn't give me money
Don - ...
Tyson - I know you are listening.
Don - I am not ...
Tyson - I will do anything just please gib me money
Don - Gib...?
Tyson - who cares ...just gib me something I
will serve you for eternity man
Don - I reject your proposal. Mr...
who are you again ...)
Don hung up the phone but after a few moments message appeared on Tysons cell phone screen
money received
###3000$ ###
" Thank you ... "
" Finally decided to come out ..." Scarlett lest out after seeing Tyson comes out
" some random guy got money problem so I paid his bill ..." Tyson smiled and began walking beside Scarlett
" Really "
" Yeah the way Tell me about your life Cutie it's been 12 years since we last meet "
Scarlett falls silent for moments
" You left your mansion a few years ago and now you cut off all ties with the dragon clan ..." Tyson said in a pressing tone
" Grandpa told you everything " Scarlett avoiding his gaze
" Remember what I told you when you stayed in my tribe ... I will protect you no matter what but you also promised me something scar ..."
She started sobbing after remembering those days
When that demon killed her parents and was about to kill her grandpa, The Golden dragon saved her grandpa from him and took them to his tribe where she met Tyson that dragons grandson and the future leader of the Dragon tribe
They quickly become best friends coz of Tyson's friendly nature unlike his small brother who had always hated strangers especially her
" I will ...stay matter what the circumstance "
Tyson smiled and hugged her lightly " I came all the way here for you and you are crying...cheer up cutie ... I will keep my promise and you have to keep yours ..."
Scarlett nodded slightly with a smile on her face
" I can't believe that they gave you permission to leave the tribe "
" Well ... I am special .." Tyson smile and looks away from her " this is my number...if you need anything feels free to call me ... I am D rank hero after all "
Scarlett took his number and about to sit in the cab she said again "I am waiting for you at the celebration ...tomorrow night at the Grand hall "
" ...ok I will be there "
Somewhere in the city
" We will find him both...there my lord ..." One guy said in a lower voice
" Good... We have to change the plan, we are going to attack them directly... " Carlos asked his subordinate " Is everything going according to our plan?"
" Yes, they are preparing for the attack like you ordered them ... We also informed Lord Falco"
" Good ... execute my plan accordingly...get it "
Carlos Moves his hand and his subordinates left him alone in the darkest hallway.
After few minutes of the walk, he snatched the burning lamp from the wall and went into the big hall
In that hall, one big circle curved on the ground, and some unknown words were written on the ring of the circle with blood. As he forwards his hand who was clenching a burning lantern, One creature appears into the view
Big and Giant Wolf about 30 feet with Red scales on his entire body, his razor-like teeth shining in the light of the lamp and growling sound echoing through the darkroom, from the corner of his mouth drooling like he was thirsty for blood, That beast contained in big shekels around his neck and legs made from some kind of magical energy.
"It's time to get out of this shaggy place and show them what you capable of my precious One " Carlos smiled bitterly looking at that Wolf...