" Dad what if Don joined Tiger clan then you will protect him right ..." James lets out in a calm voice ...
From the start, Jordan wanted to recruit Don even though he was a necromancer and this situation was perfect for him so he preferred to take advantage.
If Don decided to Join the Tiger clan then definitely this will involve Two guilds Dragon clan and Tiger clan so He will be safe as long as he stays in the tiger clan
But still, there was a risk to take this guy under the protection of the Tiger clan, he was directly involved in a delicate matter of the Dragon clan who every elder Avoided at any cost ...Scarlett The Daughter of Jack, Jack who dies in the forest, the most powerful person from the young generation. His death was a mystery to every clan leader but after his and Charlotte's death. Shane and Olivia adopted her.
Jordan was willing to take every risk for Don because he believed this guy was not simple as he seems ...he was there when he saw him coming out of the dungeon alone and intact and he confirmed his doubt when President ordered every news channel not to Telecast anything related to him
No matter what... His son refused to tell him which creatures they faced except Every hero who had turned at each other and began killing like a savage beast under the influence of that monster. He only told them about the Red stone as however, Jordan wasn't that sure it was the truth.
James already Told him the rivalry between Don and Amy and stated that he wanted to protect him but Jordan didn't take this seriously at that time unlike now he decided to step between the Dragon clan and their pray. But he wasn't the only one who has an eye on him like Jordan.
" This bastard ...already made his move " Kenny smirked
" What the hell ...Jordan you cant let this bastard join your clan " Shane fumed in anger
" What ...if he wanted to join my clan then I can't refuse ...and he is my son's friend after all "
" You bastard ..."
" I am not going join any clan ... I hate being tied up " Don responded the first time since this dispute irrupted. Everyone was visibly shocked at his words
" What ...Don please listen to me ...If you join Tiger clan then the father will protect you from-"
" I don't need any protection from anyone... as for matter between Us ...we will sort it out "
" Well ..well now you are talking like a man " Shane clenched his fist in anger " I hate to say that your summoners will fail to defend you "
" We will see about that " Don said in a nonchalant voice dumbfounding every person.
There was no way for others expect to think this guy was thinking about going against A rank hero
no matter how many summoned creatures he would bring they will be crushed by Shane's incredible powers as they thought this guy has only summoning powers but two people knew his powers more than anyone else.
James and Scarlett, James doesn't have any clue that he was a necromancer because Don never used his summoning powers before until his father told him about Don's necromancing powers, His core shook that moment when he had remembered his raw strength when he fought with Gabriel who was a warrior and not only that he also has teleportation...the power that nobody posses in the Z city.
Scarlett knew his invisible powers when he had used them in her previous apartment to scare her. she wonders What bizarre powers he had possessed.
" You have confidence in your power kid but think for a moment...Jordan can save your life at this moment," Kenny said in uncertainty
" But if you don't want to join Tiger clan then you are welcome to join Killer guild "
Kenny's words stunned Rosy because she knew Jordan might be thinking recklessly or in hope of he will get to fight but another hand Kenny who was wiser than him and now he was doing the same thing ... they Wanted to recruit This guy who was a necromancer ...why ...
"I said ...No... you guys neither have the capacity nor Level to recruit someone like me in your clans " Don smirked as if he wanted to piss off every clan leader who gathered there.
" This ....Guy is too arrogant " Rosy signs inwardly.
Kenny and Jordan smirked at his response.
" What the hell do you think you are saying killer guild is no-" Kent bellowed in anger but Kenny raises his hand to stop him.
" Are you done recruiting him ...And if not then I have to finish you first and then him " Shame scan their faces before stepping toward Don " someone like you dare to offend a big family like us ... "
" So ...In your eyes we are insects," Ray said loud enough to everyone presented in the entire hall to hear his every word. there was something mystical about his voice similar to president Edward and that's why his voice was reaching to everyone.
On the ground floor, people who were enjoying themselves trowing Foods at each other and making noise were distracted by a loud voice
That voice was casual but infused with magic so everyone could hear him like president Edward does whenever he wanted to silence the crowd in front of him.
People look at the upper floor with curiosity that voice was not familiar to them so they wanted to know what was going on upstairs.
" Ed ...He is fusing his ki with a voice so everyone could hear him " Firefox got interested in that new guy who was standing beside Don.
" Hmmm... Who are the " Edward peers gaze to Ray to listen to his words " He is going to say something unpleasant...well I am curious "
Ray smirked looking at Shane" Your daughter sent a killer to kill Low rank hero who has no family background like us and when he defended himself, you are saying he killed your guy ... how pathetic"
" In this city, People like us won't have the right to defend ourselves? ... until we decided to serve one of the big families till our end " He continued
His word cause enormous disturbance in the lower-ranked heroes minds as they began looking at each other
" so ..that's the main reason why President created new rules "
" I am not going to serve them "
" Yeah, these rich bastards ....President betrayed us ..."
" We are not slaves .."
the lower floors Commotion caught the eyes of the Clan leaders and President himself
" Well ... this guy is " President Edward chuckled looking at Ray with no hostile intent.
Shane was looking speechless at Ray like other clan leaders, certainly, this guy turned tables in few words
" So you are his friend...trying to save your pal from me but it's useless," Shane said in a serious expression" Everyone will pay for what they did..."
" Well then go ahead and kill this lowly born guy " Ray smiled as he pointed his finger at Scarlett " But as you said Mr ...You will have to kill that girl who was initiated everything"
Scarlett was startled after that guys gaze fall on her
Firefox signs inwardly ." This guy knows how to talk "
" What happened Mr ...she is also nobody right ...what's her name oh ... Reporter Scarlett Johnson from News Z ... am I right "Ray continue his talking
Shane was caught off guard as he can't reveal her identity to others for safety reasons except for few high ranked heroes like big families nor he was going to punish her even the whole world went against him
" You better shut your mouth brat or I will shut it for you," Shane said
" Of course you can, But can't you able to shut everyone's mouth, you are the leader of the Dragon clan ...we thought you are the protector but you are nothing less than a predator "
Shane grabbed Ray's collar of his suit and pulled him close " That's enough boy ..."
" Or what you also kill me for saying my aspect ..."
Scarlett felt uneasy looking at this boy who was standing beside Don and now he was arguing with uncle Shane. She tried to see his Aura but after few moments she was shocked to see his Aura
Ray glared at her in an instant as if he didn't like what she was doing, only She was felt killing intent from him as she steps back in fear ...
" Ray ...Stop this immediately " Tyson exclaimed in an unpleasant tone...