chapter 73: Crash

The big main blades spinning at a fast rate as the chopper spinning around itself violently, Both of the pilots were doing their best not to crash on the big building and if it was possible then land safely to the ground without any casualties

The spear was caused the tail rotor failure and the situation for the pilot became worse, Chopper was going down without crashing on the building nearby abandoned place on the battlefield

people who were sitting right inside the contraption were unable to see anything going around them as they hanging on tightly

" Ahh..."

The chopper went striding through the road with emitting smoke and fire, The street was almost empty because all of the civilians already evacuated from there but some red robes were hiding in the nearby building waiting for the strike if any survivor left alive from that catastrophic crash

Few choppers began hovering over the crashed chopper until two figures come out of it, alive with minor injuries

frost cocoon crumbled as Scarlett and mira fell on the ground unconscious because of the impact of the crash, both of the girls were badly injured but hopefully, there is not a life-threatening injury on their delicate bodies

Two pilots are safe and sound like Firefox and Edward. Another Helicopter landed beside the crash site and a few of the soldiers surrounded the site

" President are you ok ..." One soldier approached them with other medics

" Yes ..." President Edward answered back and went to Scarlett and mira " Help us ... "

Medics brought Scarlett and mira on stretchers in the helicopter and before they take off firefox glare at the distance building in anger

He felt like this attack was made by someone else other than red robes because using a weapon like a spear was not possible for any normal necromancer and even somehow he occupies this spear it's nearly impossible to throw out at such surplus height on the helicopter with fast speed

But he couldn't able to figure out who is that person's target was? ... It's Edward or me and another thought jogged in his mind and he becomes more serious is that the attack was for Scarlett?



at the Distance building one guy in black clothes standing on the rooftop with a white spear in his hands

The spear was made from magical white metal about the same height as the person who was holding it, the spearhead shapes like a

huge lozenge from the ridge was covered with mysterious red letters all over the spear

" You got lucky this time, " The person said with radiating a purple aura around him " But how long will you be able to survive..."

It was Ray ...



Tyson jumps down from the dead body of the giant wolf, he was covered with sweat and tiredness noticeable on his face

" What a mess," Said Tyson " Now let's help others "

Don, James, and kent three of them formed a temporary group as they fighting with skeletons and red robes with helping Army soldiers to eliminate the targets

" Behind you " Kent shout as casting iceball, and threw it behind Don on the two of the skeletons who are nearly approached him

Don nodded before rushing at others skeletons, he barely began fighting with interest as if he would trying to gain more experience points as much as possible

" We got multiple targets in the left building..." One soldier said on the mic to inform his other team member

" Which one " James asked distant soldiers

" Green Building, third floor "

" it will be tricky to go up there," Kent said

" Don't worry about that " James walked over to Don " We found them "

Don gaze at the building with a cold smile on his face and with that he sprinted towards the building however few skeletons covering the path of the building but Don knew he could rely on James

Don and James lately began reading the mind of each other or at least in the battles where they often combined their attacks without even discussing beforehand. This thing dumbfounded kent as if he was not sure what these two guys are doing

" That guy coming over here " One red-robed guy exclaimed

" Stop him before he managed to get two close "

More skeletons arose from the soil but before they were able to stop Don James fireballs almost eradicated every skeleton around Don giving Don chance to teleport without letting others notice his ability

" Hey ...where is that guy went he dead ?"

one of the red robes said backing away from the window unexpectedly somebody forcefully whirled his head another side

Before that guy speak any further Don twisted his neck to another side " Here am i "

" What the ..." Panic spread over the red robe groups and now there are only three of them left alive


" Hey, James where did that guy went ?" asked Kent. James pointed his finger at the third floor of the green building

One individual who was wearing red robes dropped on the ground smashing through the window of the third floor

[ Gain exp 100

Gain exp 100

Gain exp 100

Gain exp 100

current Level 6 890 / 1250


Name - Don

HP - 29/ 35

Mana - 25/35

stamina - 21/35

Ability -

• Shadow travel ( advanced )

• Army of the Darkness ]

Don looks at the ground from the third floor before coming down

" See he is up there "

" He ...he is fast .." Kent almost chokes saying that

" Right ..."

Skeletons around them were broken down after their master got killed by Don, James trusted Don more that he can trust himself as if he becomes his brother since he saved him two times

But he could see Dons mysterious powers improved greatly, Mostly his teleportation abilities, he never imagined that there is a guy who can use this kind of terrifying ability at his will

There are a lot of people who can use teleportation but they always use portals to travels from one side to another unlike Don who was capable to travel around here and there without any portal

He knew this guy will be the greatest hero humanity would ever have.



" She killed Ghoul ..." said Carlos

" Yes now it's your turn to die " Jordan swung his fist towards Carlos's head but He grabbed his fist in one hand

" Jordan I hope you could learn to use your brain in battles instead of your huge body," Kenny said as he attacked Carlos with an ice sword

Carlos kicked Jordan and with that avoided the sword with his fast reflexes

" Hey ...why are you interfering in my fight "

" Your fight your fucking eyes everyone is fighting and besides that, you are weaker than him, " Kent said as he kept attacking " He is not A rank anymore, he gained disastrous abilities "

Carlos intentionally stretching the time of the battle so he could give his friend enough time to do his work

Carlos and his comrades were wanted to use double dungeon as a shield and invade the city after the dungeon breach and with that, they could complete, their demands without anyone knowing it perfectly like the last time when the double dungeon breached and Carlos and other necromancers used that opportunity to themselves

Last time Zombie type creatures invaded the city z when the tiger clans team were wiped out in the dungeons with alongside them the skeleton soldiers of red robes to abduct girls for their selfish desires of power

They already knew about the double dungeon, when every hero who entered the dungeon was murdered after that another portal appeared in the dungeon, and from that portal large amount of zombies most likely the mixture of skeletons and zombies arose from it

but this time James Aka demon slayer eradicated the dungeon all by himself without letting any single creature escape from his grasp, this is what everyone believed except for few higher-ranked heroes

Carlos knew this before doing a risky job to invade directly where the higher-ups are present. it will get them killed and they would have to face a lot of resistance either way he did what he can do to lets out his anger.


" Well...well...well" Falco stood near the dead wolf with an amusing smile on his face " what a monster killing thing like this alone "

" Here take this as offering my friend" Falco used another portal to move away from the body

A huge portal materializes horizontally on the ground where the huge body of the wolf is laid next moment The dead wolf was swallowed by the portal in instant, and a Huge snake creature appeared from it swallowing the entire wolf in his mouth ...