chapter 85: Rematch

Ghoul crushed the skull of the giant skeleton, and lunge at another one who was wielding a sword

Assassin darted at him and stabbed his two daggers in his belly but with one swing of his hand he mashed on the wall

Balls of fires slammed on the Ghoul one after another burning his flesh along with it but there was no sign of pain in his lifeless eyes

He fixed his gaze at James, and in mere seconds descended from the giant skeleton and headed to him with incredible speed, surprisingly middle of air his speeds become slower as if something is holding him down

The skeleton who was unequipped from the start was pointing both hands towards his trying to slow him down

Don teleported behind him and direly went for the neck but unfortunately, he was aware of his presence exact moment when he was teleported

Ghoul jumps back gaining distance between him and Don but either way his neck got sliced badly but there was no sign of blood

" This guy slowed down him or something like that," James commented ignoring danger in front of him

" Focus you, idiot, I can't take him down alone " It was considered to see the strange powers of that skeleton but if they wanted to live then they have to kill this thing before he kills them.

Don wanted to finish this fighting as soon as possible because of his draining mana, skeletons were helping them greatly but if his mana runs out before he kills that beast then this will be their demise

James charges a ball of flame, allowing it to grow until its the size of a car, He cast on him, Ghouls movement halted by the Fireball but this time he was prepared to invade it, however, The big explosion made him fly in the air few distances

Ghoul's face was burned badly, smoke began flaring from his face, He about to pounce again but he interrupted by arrows, Arrows were not that precisely to hit on the target due to the lacking skill of Archer skeletons but it's good enough to create a distraction for others

Ghoul avoided every arrow as he rushing to them, But he is not only avoiding arrows he also avoiding fireballs along with it.

Ghoul tackled James but didn't use his Sharp claws to kill him, instead, he punched him and staved off to Don

leaping back to gain some distance Don was avoiding as many blows as he can, however, the ghoul was too fast for him fortunately his attacks not meant to kill him

Ghoul kick make contact sending Don skidding across the ground

[ - 2 HP ]

[ current LvL 7 715 / 1500


Name - Don

HP - 26/ 40

Mana - 13/40

stamina - 19/40

Update point - 0

Ability -

• Shadow travel ( advanced )

• Army of the Darkness ]

Don and James fully aware of Ghoul mission, he was not hurting them purposely as if someone gave him orders to bring them alive

Ghoul was attacking them to injure them not to kill them unlike last time and this is the best opportunity for them to eliminate him, if ghoul orders were to kill them they he already disposed of both of them without any struggle.

Next, Skeletons soldiers were battling with ghouls until Don and James get on their feet

" can you hold him for me?" James nodded in response, Darting his eyes at ghouls

" I'm gonna lose it "James' eyes were flickered with anger, Fire encircled him and his eyes tuned inflaming ones with a shout he cast Flaming snake on his avoiding the skeletons in the ways

Ghoul leaps away to avoid it but the flaming snake didn't stop chasing him, Snakes speed were slow compared to him but that doesn't enough to tail him down

Ghoul marched to Skeletons in hope of they can serve as a good barrier but unexpected to him, skeletons grabbed him to hold him at a place

all of the skeletons were involved in holding him down refused to let it go until the fire snake hits on its target

All of the skeletons scattered across the ground from the impact and ghouls one arm burned down along with half of a face

Ghoul snarled at the humans as if he went to berserk, Dons Army of the Darkness began regenerating and with a blink of an eye they bolted to kill Ghoul

James Created Ropes using fire to hold him at a place and Don teleported from his place, Middle of fighting James tide the ghoul with lots of fire ropes but he would be failed if the unequipped skeleton didn't use his strange powers to hold him at a place

Don jabbed dagger behind his neck, wishing to decapitate him but as his dagger going through his neck he was feeling somehow he was penetrating a stone

Before Don fully separate his head from his body his dagger stuck in midway, Ghoul break free his remaining hand from James rope grip and slashed on Don's chest making him bleed heavily

However, Don refused to let his arms free from the dagger, But there was no way his strength was enough to do the task of beheading completely

His arms Swung at Don's chest again but the Giant skeleton made himself a shield and the skeleton who wielded the sword began pushing Dons hands to support him

Assassin helped them both as he pulling their hands from the other side and Archer shoots his arrow directly on Ghoul's head, His moments become sloppy and exact that moment Don decapitated Him

[ - 4 HP ]

[ Gained exp ...

500 ]

[ current LvL 7 1215 / 1500


Name - Don

HP - 19/ 40

Mana - 3/40

stamina - 9/40

Update point - 0

Ability -

• Shadow travel ( advanced )

• Army of the Darkness ]

As they knew Army of the darkness has their intelligence and according to that skeleton was acting until now without needing orders from Don what to do next.

Don fell to his knees trying to stop bleeding from the chest, Skeletons were desummoned by Don after killing the ghoul, James forwarded himself to support Don

" Hey are you ok, you have healing abilities right ?" In concerning Tone

" No, I don't have them,"

" but I saw previously...that Fuck it maybe I have something in the ring " He brought out a vile of the bottle, it was a healing potion and gave it to Don

After drinking it Dons bleeding stopped but the wound didn't heal, there was still marks left with slight flesh exposing from it, James pulled Don at his feet

" Can you walk?"

" Yeah " Don responded with grimacing in pain



Ghoul was trapped between two swords, as both of the swords penetrated his abdomen holding him close to the ground, Regardless of this, he was striving to break free.

Carmella marches to him at a slower pace with an evil smile on her face, Ghoul growled but interrupted by her kick

Her one kick separated his head from his body and smashed on the near wall, Girls was more curious about her identity now, they never saw someone powerful as her nor she was a hero

" That's disgusting " Naya added before stepping on Ghoul's corpse, Carmella and girls followed behind her avoiding the ugly corpses at the ground " Two figures up the head" ...



" Media started up making a mess about the attack, " Tony said looking at his cell phone

" what about-"

" Terrible, peoples gathering at the roads against the government, they have demanded to answers from President and James " Tony answered Tysons questions

" So they didn't know about demon slayers disappearance " Tyson observed Forest below the Chopper with a serious gaze

" Don't worry your friend will be fine" Tony said with a smile

Tyson returned the smile and said " I know I just feel awful because of the...Everything happened at the party "

" What happened at the party ?" He asked, And Tyson began filling him up ...