109 : Rain wolves

Don rips off the wolf's mouth as he glances back at the summons, Skeletons were holding on their own at best they could despite the muddy ground who casing their moments to hinder

The giant skeleton was using his hands instead of a Heavy hammer to deal with the swift wolves, Indeed he was frustrated that his hammer was heavier to drag around in the muddy ground. similar to other skeletons movements were restrained by the atmosphere, unlike Don who was still faster than wolves however he had limits that he could only able to move swiftly when wolves came into his striking distance.

Another wolf leaps at Don, however, Don had already delivered his punch sending him to another tree. His punches were powerful enough to kill these wolves in one punch, however, the wolves that were maintaining distance were distracting him the most.

The pack they had encountered were had more than 10 wolves and the remaining ones were waiting to take the best opportunity while others were engaged in the battle, but the most concern Don was he thought if those wolves decided to call others then it will be more difficult to deal with.

He summoned his dagger and teleported from his position and appeared behind two wolves who were waiting at the distance, With one swift strike he took Down left one and another one jumps back words while hauling but his haul ended by the Arrow. Don glance at the Archer skeleton who was raising his bow in victory.

Don took a rest before heading forward, but this time he decided to use tactics instead of running into the pack of wolves like this.

[ current Level 11. 148/2500


Name - Don

HP - 58/ 60

Mana - 51/60

stamina - 51/60

Update point - 0

Ability -

• Shadow travel ( advanced )

• Army of the Darkness ]

When he had reached the lair of the Beast wolf who had known as Alpha wolf he saw other people who were planning before entering into the lair. Don joined them but nobody cared enough to spare look at him not dared to look away from the lair entrance who were giving the vibe of death.

The lair entrance was filled with corpses of other wolves, they had already died before even humans arrived near the entrance. Don could imagine how will be the inner part of the lair. The last time when he invaded with others he had faced one Giant wolf who had mastered swimming and hunting humans while staying underwater.

When they had entered the lair one big lake could be seen to them but nobody dared to make a noise in fear of that wolve who was hiding underwater

" So... what are you waiting for one group enter the water and provoke that wolf to come on the water surface " One girl added while observing others "The second group will stay here as planned to attack that wolf to attack it when he showed himself"

The group was formed before Don joined them, The group who were going to enter into the deep waters had lower rankers while the other group who was going to attack from the surface was D or C rankers... The group two who had lower ranks couldn't able to gather the courage to enter into the water.

" For the fuck sake hurry up and go" another high ranker hero shouted at others making them startled, Everyone from group two was nervous and scared to death as they knew if they entered the lake and that Wolf happened to be waiting for them then they are done for.

" We don't like this plan" One lower-ranked hero gathered the courage to speak who was standing beside Don. One person stepped forward punching him into the gut

" Say it again"

That guy almost fell to his knees but the person who punched him held him and threw him into the water, Glancing back at Don

" hey, you what rand do you have?"

Don met his gaze while answering him " D" As soon as he said those words another guy checked

" oh so you are from group one then don't mind me" He scanned the others before pointing his finger at that guy in the water " see he is still alive-"

Before he could speak any further The guy who was swimming into the lake was dragged in the water while his scream was muffled in the process. That incident struck fear into lower rankers hearts as they move away from the lake

" well... At least now that wolf feels less hungry" that guy added with a grin. one person jumps instantly causing the other to gasp " What the heck was that.."

Don had jumped into the water after that wolf dragged that guy into the pound, Don wanted to kill this guy as soon as possible while demonstrating his skills underwater... Last time Ray and Tyson and jumped into the pound and subdued the wolf all by themselves while Don was stood waiting for wolve to appear on the surface.

" Well that guy got too motivated by my speech" the same guy commented looking at the pounding surface who were stabled after a moment.

When Don had entered the pound he saw that the wolf was distracted by eating the human limbs, Don tried to move towards his however in the water his moments were slowed down at least 60 percent. While underwater his stamina points began decreasing one by per second...

" Fu..c..k" Bubbles created when Don opened his mouth as they reached to surface Wolf has turned his attention to Another foolish human who dared to enter his territory

That beast had twice as height as Don while he was two meters long, With grey fur flying in underwater, on both sides of his nose there were three slashes so he could be able to breathe underwater. His green eyes conveyed killing intent towards the Don, He leaps to Don with average speed however that speed was too much for him.

Wolf split water while forwarding towards Don, Don summoned his dagger, and when that beast came into the striking distance he swung his hand aiming to his eyes however his moments were too slow in the underwater he missed his prime target.

Don prevented himself from being caught by the wolf's deadly jaws but again the wolf turned back U-turn at his target like a shark. Don realized that this time avoiding him would be impossible with his sluggish movements so he had summoned skeletons so they could serve as a decoy and as he predicted wolf had fallen for it.

Skeletons were floating in the pound like a piece of the can, they were looking relaxed but curious as they shaking their hands up and down trying to feel the dense air around them, But they had no idea that was water. the giant skeleton was being pulled down due to the heavy hammer he was trying to lift while Archer's skeleton's arrows were out of their container dancing around him.

The unequipped skeleton and assassin skeleton was crushed by the wolf's jaws while the wolf was heading for the Sword skeleton, Sword skeleton was unaware of the wolf until he got captured by That deadly jaw but He directly struck his bone sword into the monsters upper jaw making him let go of him, his broken and separated pieces floated away from that beast and assembled again so he could face that monster.

Don reached to the surface to take a breath but when he came out to the surface he could see heroes were engaged with the other small wolves but their number was twice as humans. Don ignored them as he chose to hunt bigger ones instead.

When Don reached close to that wolf, he could see that his army of the Darkness doing their job well as he needed, wolves were distracted by them while Don swims close to it. His dagger was small but he thought that if he somehow managed to strike the head then it will be easier to kill him.

The moment he got a chance he struck his white dagger into Wolf's back head where he thought the weakest spot could be. Wolf's pupils were diluted upward for a moment but again he swims away dragging Don with him while Skeleton began chasing him.

The skeletons were more sluggish than Don but they were serving good distraction as Don desired, Wolf spun underwater so he could be able to free away from the humans who were hugging close to his head, Don wasn't planning to let go of his chance the wolf but the rotating activity by making difficult to hold his position firmly....