Time will tell

Hey Key love are you ready to go see mother?

In my head I'm saying hell no but I responded with yes love I'm ready.

As we was driving to his mother he was so excited.

Key she going to be so happy this is going be her first grandchild and she always thought you would make a wonderful mother, plus with your good looks she knew that we would have a beautiful child.

Really Johnny y'all worried about the baby looks.

Key don't start with me you know how mother feels about appearances.

Yes I do and that's the scary part

Well Key guess what mom's going be happy about the baby and you going let her enjoy it.

Johnny just because I'm pregnant with our child doesn't mean that you going talk to me any kind of way.

Johnny looks over towards Key as they was pulling into the driveway and smile.

Key for right now we not going to deal with what you just said but trust and believe it will get dealt with and he kissed her on the forehead.