Something New

Jonny looks her in the eyes did that just happen? Did we just let go together?

Key lost of words because she can't even believe it herself

Out of breath she looks at him and said yes we did.

As she was looking at him she looks down into the water and can see his manhood raising again that has never happened before either it's just usually one time and he done.

He realized that she see it raising again too.

Are you ready for another round wife?

Yes husband.

Okay turn around again and she do as told.

She feels him getting ready to slide it in but not into her vagina this time but her anal.

She tensed up. Johnny what are you doing we never done that.

Well tonight would be a good night to start love you did just yelled out your mine right?

Yes I did Johnny.

Well prove it too me and watch how things will change around here.

In a positive way?

Yes in a very positive way so are you ready to do what you said.

Yes Johnny I'm.

Good now relax and let it happen it shouldn't be as painful in the water.

Key took a deep breath and let him start.

At first she tensed up and he told her you just making it more painful relax.

She took another deep breath and let go.

He was able to slide in and started stroking with ease.

She felt funny because it was in her anal but yet it felt good.

How does it feel wife?

It's different but nice please don't go hard.

I want, do you think this is something you can get used to?

I think so do you want me to get use to it?

Yes I do.

Then I will Johnny and then he came.

Let's get out the pool wife I'll shower you and then we go to bed.

Yes husband.