It's morning

I woke up and on the side of the bed was my morning hot tea and some crackers.

Hi Key I see you up I didn't want to disturb you so I just made your tea and left it there for you.

Thank you Jonny it's still warm

Yes I just bought it up here I was coming to see if you was up and to asked you if you wanted any breakfast.

No I think these crackers will do for now feeling a little nausea so I might lay here for a little while.

I understand I'll been reading about pregnancy and morning sickness is a very big thing so maybe that's what you going through love.

You just might be right Jonny I'm just going rest a little while before I get dressed to started my day.

So what's your plans for today?

I'm going to meet David for lunch today talk to him about the shop and us opening a new one.

Key I know you love running the shop with your little friend but you may have to take a step back from it through this pregnancy. I don't want you to deal with anything that may stress you out.

I understand Jonny and I promise if anything start stressing me I will step back and let David run it until I have the baby.

Do you promise?

Yes Jonny I give you my word.

I didn't want you to start this business in the first place because you don't need the money but you begged enough and that's the only reason why I gave in.

I know johnny and I think you.

You look very beautiful this morning you really have a glow to you and he reached down and kiss her

She can't believe it but she kissed him back and Jonny realize it to so he kissed her again.

Forgot that she was still naked from last night situation until he pulled the cover back off of her.

Wow Key you didn't put a t-shirt on last night.

Umm I must of forgotten was very tried and went to sleep.

I'm glad lay back please and he started kissing her breast until he got to her nipples and then started sucking on them gently as he was taking his hand and easing it down to her vagina and putting one finger in one at a time and to his surprised she wasn't resting him which was turning him on even more.

My wife close your eyes

Yes husband and she does

Instead of feeling penetration she felt something she haven't felt from Jonny in their whole six years of marriage he was giving her oral sex. Her body just melted and she lost all training of thought and was enjoying her husband and what he was doing to her.

My wife are you mine

Yes husband I'm

Then keep your eyes closed no matter what okay

Yes husband okay.

Next she knew she felt him grab one of her hands and heard something click and then she felt the same thing happen to her other hand and she realized she was handcuffed to the bed. She knew then it was no reason to fight whatever is about to happen because it will be nothing she can do but let it happen.

Next thing she knows she felt Jonny giving her oral again and then she came.

She not understanding why she enjoying herself so much with him and what is happening but before she could get her thoughts together she felt him sliding himself into her but yet again he was gentle like he was last night.

My wife you feel so wonderful I just want to enjoy you our baby is bringing us closer don't you feel it Key?

I do feel it Johnny I just want you happy through this pregnancy.

You keep pleasing me like you doing and this is going be a wonderful pregnancy and then he came.

Open your eyes wife and she does and he looking right at her.

Key I need you to understand that no matter what we go through you are mines and now we about to be a family and then he kiss her.