Getting what he wants

Hello Jonny

Hello mother

So what do you need to talk about Johnny?

Mom I think I'm finally starting to have feeling for my wife I don't know is it because she pregnant with my child or what but I'm looking at her in a different way.

So what are you saying Johnny that you thinking about staying married to key?

Yes mom that is what I'm saying I know in the contract I had her sign we only had to stay legal married for seven years and I would let her keep her business and all the income that comes from it and one of the car and the condo. But now I'm starting to feel like I can really have a marriage with Kiara.

Well what if she finds out you paid her mother to get her?

Trust me mom her mother will never say nothing and plus their no paper trail of anything, and truthfully she should be happy that I did with the environment that I took her from.

That is true son.

My only issue is her little gay friend David I need to figure out how to get him out her life and out her ear, because I know he don't like me because he thinks it's my fault that his sister is in that facility.

Well Johnny is it?

Hell no mother I told you that the night the situation happen I had nothing to do with his sister getting that bad drug, I don't even do drugs mother and you know that so why would I give it to someone? Only thing I did was have sex with her and dropped her back off at their home. Now was it wrong of me to have sex with her and I knew she was high maybe but I didn't give her the drugs.

Johnny I know you're personal life with females has not been peaches and cream but out of all the rumors I'll have heard they never been about no physical abuse or drug use so I'll always believed you and that was why I didn't understand why you even let Kiara open a business with him.

I'm not going lie I didn't want to but I thought it would look like I was guilty of it if I didn't let her plus he also good with what he do.

That he is I love how he does my nails they always come out perfect.

See and Kiara trust him so that's how it flows so good for them but I'm going have to figure out how to come between that with out looking like I'm coming between it. And it's going be a little hard with them about to expand to open another shop.

Yes I know they are doing wonderful and Key is very good with business and running it and handling the books.

Yes I know mother but something needs to happen I'm about to have a family soon and I want my wife and child to myself and no where near David.

Well Johnny you always come up with something I know you will figure it out.

Mother you know me I always get what I want.