Mind is racing

As I'm laying in bed I'm staring at my flowers that Johnny just gave me and I'm just still in shock. I don't know what Johnny is up to and I don't know how I should be feeling about it but it's different and weird. Every since we found out that we having a child he has became my husband out of the blue. I can't explain it but I'm looking at him in a different way but I can't drop my guard because what if he goes back being how he was and then what. Plus I still have to consider what me and David been talking about and planning I can't just walk away from him and everything we both been through because of Johnny. I'm just going to see how Johnny keep acting and if things go back to the same then I will stay on the plan with David but if he keeps changing then I don't know what I'm going do. I came up here to take a nap and relax my mind not to put more thoughts into it. Johnny I need to figure out what you up to and she doze off to sleep.