The plan

I heard David pulling up since I was in the office and Sharon only got one client right now.

Hey Key sorry I'm running late today

Is everything okay?

Yes I just had to go have breakfast with my sister because they said she wasn't eating to good lately.

Oh I'm sorry to hear that is she okay?

Yes she doing good today you know since she lost her speech she been a little depressed from time and time.

I can understand I'm glad you went and visit her than today.

Thank you for understanding I thought you would be a little upset since it was a last minute thing.

No David not when it comes down to your sister I will always be understanding.

I'm glad to know that, but can I asked you something?

Sure go ahead

I called your phone this morning to inform you that I was going be running late and Johnny answer where you okay?

Key had to think of something quick. Yes I'll be having crazy morning sickness and I didn't have time to grab my phone before I ran off to the bathroom and when I heard it ringing I asked him to get it because I figured it was a emergency because no one usually call me that early.

Oh I understand I was a little concern because I know that you keep your phone with you at all times.

Yes don't worry with this pregnancy I may slip a little now and then but I'm good. And since we on the subject of Johnny I'm glad your being understanding with the plans.

I know you have a situation right now Key and I'm not trying to put no more stress on you but I hope we put things in motion before the baby comes.

Hopefully we will and then everybody will be at peace.

Yes you are right about that but my client just arrived so we will talk more about that.

Yes we will as David walked back into the shop Key was thinking to herself I really think it was more behind that visit this morning to his sister and I need to look into it.