
As they lay on the sofa in Johnny office Key started thinking to herself I need to figure this out because I'm getting in to deep with Johnny but things is so different with him now he not doing nothing by the contract anymore and he really treating us like a marriage he came home early from work out of concern for the baby and me and then the sex we just had and let me be complete control lost for words.

Hey Key what's on your mind? You was in deep thoughts just then.

Yes I was just thinking about tomorrow we should hopefully be able to find out the sex of our baby and then your mother will be able to do this baby shower she wants and I can start designing the nursing.

Well whatever he or she I'm going be excited. Key I apologize for tricking you into this pregnancy

Johnny it's okay now I was completely upset how it all started off because I was confused about why you did it but this baby has been a gift to us.

You're right I did it because I knew that you would be a good mother Key and that no matter with the contract or not I would have a child in this world.

Now without this contract right now I think I'm starting to understand what love is but I still don't know about trust.

I can understand why you don't trust me Key you really have no reason too but I can promise you that I will never harm you.