Chapter 6: The Abduction

Third Person's POV

Sheena woke up in an old and abandoned basement. Frightened for her life, she tried to move but she was too weak. She noticed a shadow passed by and that's when her adrenaline rush took over. She found herself running but then she fell.

"Who are you!? Show yourself!!" Screams took over the place.

"I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid." She keeps telling it to herself with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes when a blink of a light passed by her very eyes.

Lights filled the room and she gasped when she saw that there's too many of her. She's in a room with mirrors. Her foot was chained and clothes are now white. With a pinch of blood though.

She hears a scraping sound of a metal walking toward her. She looked around and see no one but herself, in a mirror, frightened for her life.

The sound seems to be so near and that's when she stood up, just so at least she didn't go down without a fight. She forms her fists and overcome her fear.

"I can fight you! Show yourself!" She shouted again, and that's when blades rain on her.

She did her best to avoid it but unfortunately, it wasn't good enough. It slashed her leg, arms, face, back and even her stomach. Blood all over the place and she can't scream because her Grandpa used to say, "Scream is for the weak" and she isn't weak.

She can barely stand up but still she tried even though her strength is lacking out. Alcohol poured down, exactly to her wounds. She couldn't help it so she screamed so loud, tried to gain strength again.

ON THE OTHER HAND, Nathan was just doing his homework. It's actually his past homeworks and now missing. He can't bear the thought of not graduating because of three assignments missing.

"Nate, there's a package for you!" His Mom shouted from below.

He stood up to get the package and went back to his room. It was a box, color sky blue with a black ribbon on it. He got scared to open it because he noticed a pinch of blood.

But then again, what choice do he have if not to open it? So he untied the ribbon and put the box in the vanity table. Once the ribbon is untied, he closed his eyes and opened the box. Afraid of what might be the inside, he slowly opened his eyes. He jumped out of scare when he saw a pair of eyes. Bloody eyes, with veins on it and flesh. A note underneath it. He took out the note and read what was written.

"This is Cryo Jan, if you want to see your best friend alive, or even sane, come and meet me in exactly one hour. If you're not here by then, I'll gouge her eyes out too. Tick tock." He read.

He explored the paper to see if he can find any incriminating evidence but instead, he just saw a small note at the back.

"PS: Don't forget those eyeballs, those are my collections." And a smiley face.

OTHER HAND, Sheena is now weak but still gets to smirk. She plays over and over in her head who might be this abductor.

"Heh, I know who you are." She said.

"You don't. Shut up." The abductor said. He knew that Sheena knows him that's why he abducted her.

"Heh, I mean yesterday was Monday. You hate Mondays. And now, we're here in a room where you're trying to turn me into a narcissistic sociopath who doesn't care about everyone else. After that, I guess you'll gouge my eyes out too, Cryo Jan?" Sheena laughed sarcastically.

"I said shut up! Shut up!!" He shouted so loud.

"Oh no, come on. Come out of the dark, I already know who you are." Sheena said.

A paralytic dart flew to her neck causing her unconsciousness. She fell asleep as Cryo Jan walks towards her. He unchained her foot and put her in the back of the rover. He was about to meet Nathan at the said place but then he got a feeling he won't come until there's no proof that he has Sheena.

So he took off all of her nails and place it in a jar. He went to the front of the house and place the jar in the mail box, and a note outside says "For Nathan only."

ON THE OTHER HAND, Nathan was so frustrated about how he will get Sheena again. He wrote down a plan but he knows it won't work.

The door bell rang and he stormed off to get it. But to his surprise, no one was there but a note outside of their mail box. He opened it and saw a Jar of Nails.

Out of shocked, he dropped the jar with bloody nails. He knew at that time Sheena was in danger. He took his jacket and went to the said place. There he saw Cryo Jan, butchering a body. A human body.

He ran to stop it but Cryo Jan was too strong, he got punched in the face.

"Just so you know, no one dares to stop me. Otherwise, they end up like them." Cryo Jan pointed the body he's butchering earlier.

"Nathan, Nathan, Nathan. I'm not aware that she was so special to you." He nonchalantly said, trying Nathan's patience.

"You know what? Go to hell! You belong there." Nathan told him but the latter didn't get shocked nor surprise.

"Oh dear, you telling me that I should go to hell is very funny. Where do you think I came from?" Cryo Jan, even though he's wearing a mask, smirked underneath.

"You know what, you should be thankful for at least I let your girlfriend live. Well, not until you got here. You see, she's lying over there and so does her head. When the game starts, the guillotine will start to fall too, cutting off her head."

"What game, you scumbag douche face!?" Nathan shouted, scared for Sheena's life.

"All right, let's go to instructions; First, you go over there. Slash one part of your body. Second, when the lock clicks, you go for the key. Use the key to open the safe box. In the safe box, you will see another key and a knife. You will use the key to unlock the cage, once you do, you'll use the knife to kill the other hostage. Otherwise, Sheena dies. Tick tock."

"Oh PS: You have only exactly one hour. Cause you know, the locks are so hard to open." Cryo Jan said and continued chopping the body earlier.

Nathan went to the said place and cut his skin, but the locks won't just unlock. His wound is starting to get hurt, he can feel a burning sensation. He jumped out of joy when it finally unlocked. He noticed the blood of his in the lock.

"My blood unlocks those, what the hell?" He whispered to himself.

He got nervous when the guillotine dropped off 10 inches from Sheena's head. He went fast and finish the challenge. But then, he stopped when he's about to kill. He looked at the hostage's face. She's already a lost cause.

"Please... Have mercy." The girl said and Nathan was bothered by his conscience.

"Kill me... Let me out of this misery." Said by the hostage, so Nathan just hummed and still humming when he slit the hostage's throat.

He went out of the cage and the guillotine is already 3 inches from Sheena's head.

"Hey! I already did it, stop this!" Nathan said.

"I'm sorry, Nathan. But most serial killers don't have mercy." Cryo Jan said and pushed the button of the guillotine, fully cutting off Sheena's head.

Nathan collapsed and fell asleep as the paralytic dart hit his neck.