Chapter 9: Sheena's Whereabouts

Nathan's POV

It has been two months since the librarian found me outside their establishment. Today is my last day of therapy, yes I underwent a therapy because of the trauma that abduction gave me.

"Mr. Arevalo! Good Morning, come in sit. Dr. Shuttle was just on her way."

The girl here excitedly assisted me. I know she likes me, ever since I am going in here she treats other patients normally. But when it's me, she's always cheerful, happy and a smile is always plastered on her face.

"Dr. Shuttle there you are. Good morning." I greeted my psychologist once she entered the room.

"Oh, you're early. Unusual huh?" She said sarcastically making me scratch the back of my head.

It's true though, I was always late for our session but that was because I was shy. I mean, I don't want to go visit a psychiatrist for I was afraid of what they might say to me; crazy, insane, psych.

But then again, Dr. Shuttle here helped me get through all of it. She told me that those people know nothing about me and what I've been through.

"Of course, Doc. I will miss you, especially since this is my last day." I said.

"Hey, don't you ever forget me alright?" She sighed and then prepared the questionnaires for me.

"Alright, Nathan. How many nightmares have you encountered last week?" She asked me.

"Thanks to you, Dr. Shuttle, I've had none. No nightmares." I said calmly.

"Are you sure?" She seemed to be doubting me when she asked that.

"Yes, doc. Actually, because of that medication you gave me, I can sleep peacefully at night." I said truthfully.

"Alright, let's move on. Are you still bothered?" She asked.

"Uh, in what manner if I may ask?" I asked back.

"By what happened to you. Are you still bothered everytime you see blood?" She asked. The atmosphere become uncomfortable.

"I want you to tell me the truth." She said.

"Uh, I-I'm sorry... I can't answer that." I said and stormed off the room.

I walked alone until I calmed myself. Damn, this never gets any easier. I can sleep peacefully at night but the trauma, it's still intact. I'm still bothered and panicking everytime I see something that reminds me of what happened.

As I walked alone, never did I noticed that I was already in front of my house.

"Hey, how was the session with Dr. Shuttle?" Mom asked me as she prepared the lunch I requested.

"It went smooth and well, Mom. But I think this wouldn't be my last day." I said.

"Why? What's wrong?" She asked as I sat on the dining table.

"Mom, it's better if you talk to Dr. Shuttle." I said.

In two months that I've been fighting this trauma, I haven't seen Sheena. I think it maybe true, she's already dead. I mean, I was underground for more than two weeks, unconscious. And then three more days, fighting to survive. After I escaped, I haven't seen her for two months.

"Mom, can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Of course, honey. What is it?"

"Do you happen to know where's Sheena?" I asked and I noticed how she got caught off guard by my question.

"So it's true? She's already dead." I said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Mom asked me.

"Mom, the last time I saw her was when we got kidnapped by this psychopath killer. He got me killed the suffering girl in order to stop the guillotine that was supposed to cut Sheena's head off. But I was too late, I killed that girl for nothing." Tears streamed down my face.

"But, Nathan, Sheena is still alive. I mean, she left this town after discovering so many serial killings. At least that's what she told me before leaving." Mom said, making me look at her.

"It hurt her, Nate. It hurt her after trying to find you, but she has no trace of you. She's the only one who tried to find you and I'm sorry." She said.

I need to see her. I need to see Sheena right now.

"Mom, do you know where she went? I just want to know." I asked.

"She told me not to tell you, 'cause you might follow her." Damn right I will follow her. I need to see her.

"Mom, you owe me this. You didn't try to find me while I was suffering down there." I said.

She ignored me and went to the kitchen. So i guess that was my cue to leave the dining area and go to my room.

Soon as I closed the door, I received the note again. I don't know who has access in my room to do this.

"I want to see you bleed,

not breed.

I want to slit your throat,

just like I draw on your note.

I want to add your eyes,

in my collection on ice.

I want you to find me,

time is running."

Says the note, it gave me chills especially on the third phrase. Whoever doing this shall be stopped, I will find you whoever you are and I will do whatsoever to stop you. Even if it means taking another life again.

I went downstairs and saw my Dad, who is currently the chief of this town, reading the newspaper.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Another murder case, it says here he was brutally murdered. I talked to the medical examiner and they told me that this body was dead for three days." He told me.

"What happened to him?" I asked.

"Gauged out eyes, 87 stab wounds on different parts of the body, mutilated genital, scratch on the face and a broken skull."

"Oh my God... t-t-that was brutal." I said and went straight to the kitchen just to throw up.

"Are you okay?" Mom asked me.

"Y-yes, Mom. I just couldn't help it but to throw up because of that murder case. It's so fucking brutal."

"Nate, Sheena was just three miles away from our town. I don't know what they call it but it is a place for troubled minded youths. She told me she'll go there." Mom said.

"Thank you, Mom. So much." I said and went to my room again.

As much as I want to see her, I need to find first whoever is doing the killings in our town. And take him down.