Chapter 2

I woke up this morning, had my breakfast with Mom and Dad and I'm in my office now. I know I have works to be finished by this week as I promised my clients.

Knock... knock...

"Yes. Come in."

My secretary walked in "Lara, Mr John wants to meet you. He said he is somewhere nearby so he thought about meeting you. What should I tell him?"

John. One of my business partners. I should meet him today but I also can't meet him now. He is a good man and he helped me a lot in our business. But I can't point that as an excuse to leave whatever I'm doing right now. Because the thing he wants to discuss isn't that important.

"No Jessica. I'm busy today. Ask him to come next week." I said.

"Alright. Is everything ok with you? You look stressed."

"Ya, I'm fine. Just work pressure."

"Okay. If you need to share anything, just call me." With that, she left.

Jessica is such a sweetheart. Sometimes I share things with her. She is a very good friend. She understands me well and will be there for me whenever I need her.

The sound of the clock ticking was the only noise in my office. I was reading my client's email. Suddenly, my office phone rang and made me jump from my seat.


"Hello!" I said almost irritated.

"Sorry Lara. Barbara is on the line. She said it was something urgent. Shall I connect her to you?" asked Jessica.

"Yes. Please."

"Hey babe. I called your handphone and you didn't pick up so I had to call your office. Sorry for that babe. But I want to remind you about the party tonight. I want you to be here at 7 pm."

"Oh my god, Barbara. I'm aware that I've been invited to a party. But you can't do this. I'm super busy over here. Thank me for not shouting at you and no worries I'll be there on time."

"Sorry babe. I'll feel bad if you don't come."

"Haha. You know what? This is why I love you so much. You never fail to make me feel special. I'll hang up now and I'll see you later. Love you."

"Awwww. That's so sweet babe. You're always special to me. Okay. See you later. Love you too."

I have no idea how long I lost myself at work until I realize It was already 5.30 pm.

Oh no. I have a party to attend and I might get killed suspiciously if I don't show up at the party. Because my bestie is the craziest person I've ever known. I must go back to my home first to get freshen up. As soon as I got home, I ran upstairs to my room. I tossed my handbag on the bed and headed to the bathroom. The shower was short and I started to get ready for the party. I'm wearing a light blue dress not touching my knee and a matching necklace with white beads. I checked myself in my room mirror before I go downstairs. I smiled when I saw my reflection. I looked elegant.

"Perfect," I told to myself and grabbed my heels.

"Wow! My princess looks ravishing tonight." My father said.

"Haaa. Thanks, Dad. Credit goes to you and Mom of course."

My mom was smiling and looking at me as if I'm a real princess.

"Mom, Dad. Barbara having a party at her house. I won't be late, I promise." I told them.

"Okay, honey. Be safe." my mom said.

"Alright. See you guys later." I grabbed my handbag and headed out. Barbara's house is a 15-minute drive from my house.

6.30 pm. I moved from my house and sent a text to Barbara to inform her I'm on the way. She replied within a minute saying that she is waiting for my arrival. I smiled and thought about the fact that I hate parties. When we were 17, Barbara organised a small birthday party at her house. We were all excited about the party. The party went well until a guy bumped into me and tried to misbehave. He was drunk. When I tried to push him, he grabbed my hand and before I could react, my head hit the ground and everything went dark. The next day when I opened my eyes, I realized that I was no longer in Barbara's house. I was laying on a hospital bed with a bandage covering my head. My parents, Barbara and her parents were standing on both sides of my bed. My parents looked worried but they said I'll be fine. Barbara got scared to death. She hugged me tightly and apologized for whatever happened. It was not her mistake though but she felt bad for that. She didn't leave my side until I got discharged. After the incident, I've been to many parties but I can't escape from the phobia. I will always make sure no one gets near me and I will go back home earlier than everyone.

I pulled into Barbara's car park at 7 pm because of the traffic. I stepped out of my car and adjusted my dress before I get inside Barbara's house. There is loud music coming from the living room and I walked across the living room to the dining area to find Barbara.

There she is. My gorgeous best friend. Standing with a glass of wine and talking to other friends.

"Hey babe!" I said to her

"Oh my god babe. You are here. And look at you. You're so beautiful." She gave me a warm hug.

"Thanks a lot, babe. You look beautiful as well." I said.

"Ahhh. I know right. Haha. Just joking. Let me introduce you to my new colleagues."

Barbara just got her new job as a Marketing Manager in a well-known company.

Some of her colleagues were in the kitchen. She introduced me to them. They all seemed nice people. I don't simply mingle with anyone unless I knew them for a long time. So I tried to excuse myself but Barbara grabbed my hand and whispered "Wait. I have someone for you to meet. I think he is in the bathroom."

"Whatever" I whispered back in a bored tone.

Who the hell is he? Why should I wait for him? You are crazy Barbara.

The music was not too loud. It was nice to see people dancing in the living room. I was watching them while drinking my wine.

"Hey babe! Meet Mr Matt." Barbara tapped my shoulder and I turned and looked at the person.

Wow! Why on earth I cursed my bestie for making me wait to meet this handsome? He looks nice and...

"Hi!" he interrupted my thoughts and smiled.

Did he just smile at me? Trust me. So many guys approached me and delivered so many dialogues to tackle me. But, this is the first time I feel good about a man.

"Hi! I'm Lara" I said, smiling nervously.

"Barbara told me about you. You look gorgeous. I didn't know I was about to meet this beautiful lady. If I know earlier I'd have made myself look more handsome." He joked.

Barbara laughed and hit him in the shoulder.

"What? That's the truth. Your friend looks amazing." He said gently.

I felt amazing after I heard whatever he said. We shared glances throughout the party.

Before I could realize what time is it, my mom called me.

"Sweetheart! It's getting late. Is everything fine over there?" My mom asked.

I checked my watch. It's already 11 pm.


"Yes, Mom. Everything is fine. I just didn't realize how long I'd been here. I'll be moving in a while, Mom. No worries." I tried to be calm.

"Alright, honey. Come back safe."

"Okay, Mom" With that I hung up the phone.

I searched for Barbara everywhere. She can't be found anywhere. I don't know where the hell she is but I gotta go. "It's okay, Lara. You still can message her and inform her that you are leaving" I told to myself. When I was about to start my car engine, I saw Matt standing in front of my car. A smile appeared on my face. I don't know why I feel nervous. I tried to look down so that he won't know I'm blushing.

He knocked on my car window twice. I looked up making sure he is standing there. I rolled down my car window and saw him smiling.

"Hey, ready to go back?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah! Of course. It's already late." I said in a casual tone.

"Yah! Of course. Late... Hmmmm. So..." He ran out of words

I raised my both eyebrows making a questioning face which made him laugh.

I didn't know he is cute too.

"Tomorrow I'll be free in the evening. If you don't mind, can we go for dinner?" He asked.

"Hmmmmm. But we barely know each other." I said.

"I understand. But we can get to know each other right? If you say yes?" He raised his both eyebrows.

I can't help but say yes.

"Alright. Yes." I laughed

"That's.. that's great! See you tomorrow at La Cohina. 7 pm"

"Okay. Now, can I leave?" I asked

"Of course, you can beautiful. Good night. Go back home safely."

"Thank you. Good night."

I don't trust guys easily. I used to think that all the guys are the same. But, is it wrong to say that something in Matt attracted me so much that I convinced myself to change my thought?