Build up to the first day at the office.

"Hey, Grandpa! I have great news for you!"

"Easy there, boy, I can hear you loud and clear on the phone."

"Ahahaha, whoops! I'm just too excited. I have become a professional footballer today."

"That's great, little fellow... Excellent news. I can't believe my grandson has already grown up and stepped into the adult world... I remember when you were little, you used to play with Barbie dolls and toy houses. You really worried me back then."

"Grandpa! Can you not mention that? I didn't even go to school at that time."

"Okay, don't get so jumpy. I won't tease you. So, which club did you join? Do you get to play? Will I be able to see you on TV? That reminds me, you haven't been home for so long. When are you coming back?"

"I have joined the Peasants. As you know, after all, I was in their youth academy. I have made progress and they offered me a contract. The head coach scouted me himself. Most importantly, I even get to play next Sunday."

"That's fantastic."

"I have to say it's amazing... I don't know if you can watch me back in the village. So, I have been thinking... Why don't you come here and spend a few weeks with me? We can live in the house you bought me two years ago. I'll have it cleaned."

"Okay, that doesn't sound bad. I'll come over to have a nice month-long vacation in the N country. We need to hold a party for your first Contract as well. What does my boy need as a gift?"

"Only a month?

"Yeah, I can't stay here for too long. I have work to do. I'm only 65, you know?"

"I have 6 games this month and 4 away matches, so I will be very busy. Unfortunately, we won't be able to see each other much. Why don't you come next month. I have a week off due to the international matches."

"Alright, we will do that. Your party can be organised within that week too."

"Alright, I don't know about the gifts, but I really need maids, chefs, drivers and body guards."

"I'll send the people you need by the day after tomorrow." Do you really not need something as a gift?"

"I don't know, you coming here is a gift in itself."

"That's sweet of you."

"I just thought of a gift, why don't you stay with me for two months? You can come here this week."

"I'll think about it. Okay, take care little fellow. See you soon. Congratulations again."

"Alright, bye bye, Grandpa. Thanks."


The cellphone rang almost immediately after Harry ended the call with his grandfather. Harry saw the cellphone flashing with the Agent's number.

"Hello, how are things going with the paperwork?"

"Hey, Boss! Suit up! The paperwork's been done, submitted and confirmed. You're now a Peasant Player. The club will be holding a small ceremony in 45 minutes."

"What am I wearing suits for? I have already signed the contract and met with the club's representatives."

"It's for announcing your arrival to the media. You'll meet up with the higher ups of the club whilst all dressed up and cameras on you. Also, you'll be signing a copy of your Finalized Contract.

Next up, you get congratulated by everyone. Afterwards, you will receive your Official Peasant Shirt with your name and number. Finally, you'll have some clips taken whilst doing football tricks and stuff with the Peasant kit on.

Half an hour after the ceremony ends, the video of you signing the contract will be posted on the Club's official website."

"This ceremony, is it live?"

"No, otherwise you would be interviewed as well. You are not a star player. Hence, it's okay for the ceremony not to be live. Besides, the ceremony usually happens some time before the official documents are submitted."

"I see. I'll be ready in 15 minutes, are you coming to pick me?"

"Sure, the dorm is not that far."

- - -

One hour before the winter transfer window deadline, Harry was presented to the media by the Peasants Club in the No. 18 Jersey.

The news made headlines in the local news channel of the E city of N country. The national sports channels also discussed his transfer.

However, they focused more on the bad management of the Peasants rather than Harry's transfer or his capabilities.

Currently, Harry sat in his agent's car on the way back from the ceremony. He was watching the news on his cellphone. He couldn't believe how there was no news of him in any of his home country's news channels.

"Little Boss, the house your grandfather bought for you is set and ready to be used." The agent disrupted Harry's thoughts at a red light. He offhandedly commented, "Geez! With the way you wanted to stay in the dormitory, I never thought this house would be used 2 years after it was bought."

"Thanks, pal, for having it cleaned on such a short notice."

"Don't mention it. The house is cleaned regularly. So, it didn't need much work."

"By the way, when will the money from the contract arrive in my bank? I want to buy a couple of cars with my own money."

"Are you sure? Hasn't big boss bought you a few already?"

"They are too damn fancy, just like the house." Harry complained.

"So, it's okay to live in a mansion but not drive around in luxurious cars?" The agent gave Harry a weird look.

"I might be caught by the media within my car. Those people will label me extravagant and flashy if my car isn't an ordinary one. Moreover, they probably wouldn't guess that I live in a mansion with me driving around in simple ordinary cars." Harry explained subconsciously and then he stared at the agent.

"Little boss, you have to realise that Audi isn't an ordinary car brand. At least, it is not in our home country. Besides, your house information won't exactly stay hidden if a paparazzi wants to dig information about you." The Agent spoke while his eyes were fixed on the road. He never noticed Harry staring him down.

"You are getting quite comfortable with me today, eh?" Harry could only raise an eyebrow. "Anyway, the car I want looks much simpler than the Lamborghini, Porsche and Ferrari sports cars grandpa bought for me. On the other hand, even the special edition Bentley SUV in the garage is way too luxurious for me right now."

"Okay, how about we go to the showroom after dinner? You can use your Grandpa's money and pay him back whenever the contract arrives "

"Ok. Cool." Harry nodded and moved back to reading the news on his phone.

It didn't take long for Harry's cellphone to start ringing. It was coach Lampard calling to congratulate him. After the call, the phone didn't stop ringing for a while. People he knew, heard the news somehow from somewhere. They immediately called to confirm it with him and congratulate him.

Therefore, Harry's first evening at the luxurious mansion was spent taking the calls of his acquaintances and friends. It was great for him because the mansion seemed a bit too big for someone to stay there alone.

Harry had dinner with his agent at a restaurant, near the club, famous for its Michelin Star rated food.

However, He couldn't enjoy the food as Maria was having a great time laughing in his head about his celebration date.

The Showroom was only 4 kilometres away from the restaurant. Once there, Harry's mood didn't get better. He wasn't satisfied with any of the cars. They weren't like the old model he had in his mind. He decided to simply use the Bentley SUV he had.

Maria had even more to laugh about as the SUV was supposed to be use by his grandfather. She laughed the hardest at the fact that Harry would be the only person to have a driver for his 2 seater sports cars.

At night, alone in the big house, Harry somehow managed to fall asleep right away. Probably, because he was too happy and relieved.

Harry woke up sharp at 4 am next morning. He decided to visit the barber shop after his run. Since coming to the N country, he was a regular at the shop. Harry was blown away when the barber decided to give him free hair cuts just because he was a Peasant fan.

Of course, Harry paid the guy the money he deserved. However, Harry took pictures with the barber and gave away his first autograph as a Peasant Player.

Harry's new look was a certain military-style hair cut he was forced to have in 7th and 8th Grade by his Class Teacher. He didn't look handsome at all. Instead, he felt weird. Yet, he decided to go with it. This look made him look serious and disciplined.

Harry wanted to leave a good first impression on his coaches. Especially, on the first day of his job.

Once again, he was laughed at by Maria. His new look didn't match his car at all.

'That's it. I will use the Bentley. I will ask grandpa to get other cars for himself.' Harry was fuming at Maria. Veins would have popped up on his head if he was a cartoon character.

On the way to Coach Ross's office, Maria could only suppress the laughter as she thought that it was funny that Harry was dressed & looked like an old man. Not only that, he was going around in an old man's car while sitting on the passenger seat like an old man.