Rogue and tigress

Coincidentally or intentionally, Long Shaoming's personal phone rang, he let out a harsh chuckle after seeing the caller.

"My dear enemy, how are you?" said a hearty voice from the other side.

"I'm fine until now but if you don't stop my daughter-in-law, your boring life will become even more dull and uninteresting!"

"Ah? How so? If I knew my daughter, your son must have done to piss her off. Otherwise, my Zhenyi is such a simple-minded girl."

Originally, Xin Yichen was not planning to call Long Shaoming but when his assistant informed how Zhenyi blasted their base, he could only assume that his son-in-law must have done something to piss her off. Either way, he didn't feel good about it.

However, now seeing his daughter managed to flare up his icy nemesis, he was a little surprised. It was a strange pleasant feeling, he couldn't describe.

One thing was sure, as long as his beloved daughter was with Longs, there would not be a shortage of humor and spice in his life.

"Xin Yichen, your daughter blasted half of our base, shot my second son, had her gun pointed at her fiance and just a bit ago, she threatened to shoot me too."


"I'm so proud of her"

"Goddamit Xin Yichen. " Long Shaoming gritted his teeth in anger.

"It's not my fault your sons never did something extraordinary. Tch...Tch... Don't be jealous of me."

" You are insane Xin Yichen." Long Shaoming gave up. He couldn't deal with Xin Yichen's cockiness, be it thirty years ago or now.

There was a reason why Xins were the example of Insanity and madness.

"You have yet to see the instance of my insanity," Xin Yichen retorted.

After a pause, he continued.

"She won't kill any of you if you don't give her any reason. Moreover, Longs are more beneficial to us alive than dead."

"Talk to your daughter -"

"One should know how to clean their own mess," Xin Yichen said and disconnected the call.



Long Shaoming sighed sharply as he saw the mess his son had created.

Now, he had to step in, otherwise, the crazy couple might end up killing each other.

His eyes darted towards Zhenyi who had a ferocious look in her eyes, like a hungry tigress waiting for its prey.

Even though he was angry, he couldn't refute the amusement in the situation.

It happened a lot with him, especially when the Xins are involved.

'Sigh! Clean your mess Shaoming as your enemy said' Long Shaoming sighed.

He walked towards them and stood in between her and long Jie, his son did things that were even out of his mind. He was quite unpredictable and mysterious.

Sometimes, he wondered if he was even his son.

Long Jie was a rogue, dressed in an Italian suit. One should be afraid of rogues, but do you what was more scarier or dangerous than rogues?

Disciplined Rogues or sophisticated rogue. And he was one.

If Long Jie was not his son, he would be afraid of him. He was not a force to be reckoned with. But more than his son, he was afraid of Zhenyi, she cared for none, afraid of no consequences, gave no damm for anything or anyone.

She was an uncontrolled, unchecked, and ferocious tigress.

This was what made her scarier.

"Zhenyi, listen to me," Long Shaoming said while she snarled like a damm ferocious tigress. "As the head of the Long family, I apologize for my son's idiotic move today and the words I said, that shouldn't be said. But, I need you to breathe and walk away from this now. Not as a woman, but as a Boss, to regroup and think. If you found this base, you must know where Zack is, or why my son did what he did. I have no prejudice, how you both handle your problems, but know we are talking boss to boss."

"Father-". Long Jie tried to speak while Long Shaoming cut him off.

" Don't forget, I'm still the boss for a week until your wedding."

Long Jie pressed his lips in a thin line while Zhenyi just smirked at him.

When she nodded, Long Shaoming step back to his own place, and Long Wei came with a report, while Long Shaoming was resolving the tensions with Xins Long Wei was getting information on Black Rose and their head Zack.

"Excuse me?" Zhenyi frowned as she skimmed through the report. "What did you say?"

Long Wei smiled mysteriously at her while Long Jie had a sudden urge to punch his ugly face. "I was merely stating that Zack is not where your team reported. Don't be alarmed."

"Then come to the damm point Wei," Long Jie snapped while Long Shaoming glared at him.

Meanwhile, the injured Long Yuan was cursing Zhenyi in his heart.

" There is a secluded factory on the outskirts of the city, it is not far from the place your team had reported but the location is quite dangerous. If they dared to touch us, it shows they are ready for the counter-attack especially after the club is seized by you."

"Did you hacked into their camera feed?" Long Jie asked as he saw the dots on Long Wei's computer.

"No, I didn't. It might alert the enemy even before we reached the location." Long Wei was a genius when it comes to technology.

"Can you hack into their camera feed?"This time Zhenyi asked Long Wei.

" I can but I need a technical team to assist you guys while I hack into their server. But I must say it's quite risky."

"That can be arranged," Zhenyi told Long Wei who raised his brow in surprise.

Taking a seat at one of the computers not blown by the bullets, she arranged everything they needed for the mission.

Meanwhile, Long Jie was firing orders at the men, every arrangement was made strategically. They were going to close this chapter for once and all.

But he was aware, the Black Rose was just the prelude to the book, that was still in writing and the antagonist of the story was hiding in the shadows of unwritten pages. He just realized Zhenyi and him are the two main protagonists of the story, and like every cliche story, it would be the antagonist who would lose at their hands. Not otherwise.

"Let the war begin"