A reason to stay

Without any second thought, Long Jie ran towards the living room but to add to his dismay, Zhenyi was not in the living room along with others. His gaze wandered across the room and noticed that his grandmother was missing too. And it didn't take a genius to guess both of them were together. 

"First brother, " Long Yuan was running after Long Jie as so to inform, what he wanted to tell him in the first place, but his brother didn't let him finish off his sentence. 

"You better talk now, Yuan," Long Jie said, frustration and annoyance lacing his tone. 

"You didn't even let me complete what I was saying," Yuan grumbled in the complaint "

He paused and then added. "I was saying that your wife started another battle here with the ladies and it's difficult for me to babysit such a trouble maker." 

"Call my wife trouble maker again and then see --- 

" Nope, I will call her a devil now." Long Yuan grinned.