Zhang Han

"We meet again, Mr. Zhang Han," Zhenyi said with a smile. 

"Thank you for signing me, ma'am. If not for your keen gaze, I would have missed such a grand opportunity. And now I believe, you must have another offer or task for me too." Zhang Han said, all polite and professional. 

"I like intelligent people," Zhenyi said as her observing eyes locked on his face. "And it's my good luck that I come across a beauty with a brain like you. " 

Zhang Han had no idea how to retort Zhenyi's comment about beauty with brains. He just let her spoke whatever she wished because like everyone else he also didn't know how to engage in a verbal contest with a person such as her. Or he didn't want to. At least not until he gets what he wanted and what he wanted was the question of another time and certainly of great importance.