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"I've exclusive rights to you," said Long Jie. " And you agreed too." 

What in the world was he allowing this woman to do to him? Every time he thought they reach a common juncture, she'd just dumped a verdict on his head and they were back to square one.

And what did she even mean by excluding the exclusivity of their relationship? Did she want an open marriage?

Then she could dream on if she even thought for a flick of second that he would agree to her bizarre term.

Zhenyi scoffed. " Again what I am? An item to be patent solely by you?" 

Long Jie shook his head mirthlessly. He remembered that it was the same answer she provided him last time when he talked about exclusive terms for their relationship. 

He pulled her closer to him with a jerk. His voice was low at her ear, " I told you that no one touched my wife but me. You want an open marriage eh? Dream on." 

"You can't stop me," she said, almost daring him.